Drogheda Independent

Let Arlene be the hero and accept backstop


Dear Sir,

With the countdown continuing towards the Brexit deadline at the end of March, and the stop gap conundrum, and the British government­s decision to renagerene­ge on the deal it signed with the EU, I would like to suggest even at this late stage a suggestion I put to the DUP and Arlene Foster through your newspaper last September.

I asked her to be the hero for the sakes of all the peoples of these Islands and accept a backstop for NIreland .

I did not expect a positive response from the DUP .,But in light of the impending doomsday senario of a hard Brexit and the undoubted massive damage it would cause to this island both north and south.

Could I suggest that a plebiscite be held in Northern Ireland on the backstop .

It has become apparent in recent months that there is massive cross community support for such a vote .

For the first time in its history the people of Nireland could collective­ly decide to accept or reject the backstop as one community for the common good . Thus they would let the UK government off the hook. The dup in its intransige­nce and undemocrat­ic blackmail of a broken conservati­ve government be finally held to account the Uk parliament would surely accept the collective decision of the whole of Nireland society .

The evidence is clear that a majority of all sections in Nireland both Unionist and nationalis­t would support such an idea .

I have tried to get some media and political traction for this suggestion ,but to my amazement not one political party or journalist has even suggested considerin­g the idea . I am sure if all the parties in the currently de funct assembly gathered there to mandate such a plebiscite then the dup would be forced to accept such a decision to once and for all get the democratic decision of the people of Nireland . Yours, Peter Monahan, Mornington

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