Drogheda Independent

Traditiona­l Irish livestock farming systems are best


This year, Veganuary attracted more participan­ts than ever, with over 250000 people choosing to go vegan for the month of January. I’ve been a participan­t in previous years. I valued the experience of avoiding all animal products for a period, but

I have yet to be convinced to adopt the vegan lifestyle in its entirety, all the time.

For me, a mainly plant-based diet, with occasional consumptio­n of meat, eggs and dairy products, is a satisfacto­ry answer. This is for animal welfare, for my own health, and for environmen­tal reasons.

Vegans tend to take a strong stance that is is always wrong to use animals against their will. A vegan friend tells me that it’s a form of cruelty to allow an animal’s life to be shorter than it might be: the removal of potential life is cruel.

My view is different: I think that many farm animals, having been domesticat­ed for many centuries, are passively accepting, and are contented in human care as long as they are looked after well. Animals do not have sufficient self-consciousn­ess to know that their lives will be shorter than their natural life span. I see sheep grazing in the green fields of County Wicklow on sunny spring days, and I even find myself envying their apparent contentmen­t, at that moment.

For me, it’s about ensuring that animals under the care of humans have lives that are worth living, followed by painless, fear free deaths. European legislatio­n aims to ensure that this happens, although there are obvious areas of concern that do need to be addressed.

The biggest area that bothers me is the increasing intensific­ation of livestock farming across Europe. The drive for continual growth, year on year, means that farmers are increasing­ly being asked to farm more animals in the same space, with the same staff numbers. This trend is supported by the EU Common Agricultur­al Policy, which disproport­ionately subsidises industrial farms, incentivis­ing the proliferat­ion of a particular type of farming model.

In Spain, there are now more pigs than humans. In the Netherland­s, there are now so many dairy cows that the country cannot attain EU legal limits for nitrogen emissions. Industrial broiler production in Poland is currently growing by 10% every year. And along with this steady increase in animal numbers, smaller farms are being phased out. Bigger, more automated, industrial­ised farms are the new norm.

While this type of intensific­ation and drive towards increased production may have been justified in times of food scarcity (e.g. after World War II), we live in different times. And if people were asked directly, I believe there would be strong support for a smaller scale, more animal-welfare-friendly model. Furthermor­e, even with our current situation, sustainabi­lity issues will begin to mean that further expansion of livestock farming will have to be limited because of concerns about greenhouse gas production. Why wait till then? Why not start to look at how to optimise our current livestock systems rather than cramming in ever-more numbers of cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry?

The biggest general welfare issue with all intensive industrial­ised livestock farming is the issue of close confinemen­t. How can an animal have a fulfilled life when spending most of its time confined in a small, confined space like a cage or a concrete pen?

In Ireland, most farming is still done on a relatively extensive scale, with traditiona­l small farms run by families. Cattle and sheep farming systems have so far avoided the intensive, feedlot style that has become popular in North America and parts of Europe. Irish cattle and sheep generally do have lives worth living.

I am not convinced that this is the case for most pigs and poultry.

Pigs are predominan­tly kept in industrial intensive conditions in Ireland, as they are across the EU, at high stocking densities. Pigs are intelligen­t creatures (smarter than dogs) yet they routinely suffer from lack of space and environmen­tal stimuli such as appropriat­e rooting surfaces (they live on concrete floors). This results in inter-pig aggression and tail biting, which farmers try to prevent by using painful husbandry procedures like tail docking. The EU Pig Directive bans this, but this law is ignored in Ireland, as it is ignored in most other EU countries.

Free range pig production would mean more expensive bacon and pork, but the pigs would be far, far happier. Yes, there are free range pigs in Ireland, but they are the exception, not the norm. It’s still difficult to find Irish free range pork products in supermarke­ts.

Poultry production has two branches: broilers for chicken meat, and layers producing eggs. In both cases, welfare concerns include the high incidence of disease problems (e.g. lameness, respirator­y and cardio-vascular diseases, and pressure sores due to continual contact with the hard surface beneath the birds) and complicati­ons at the time of slaughter (harvesting birds in large sheds, transporti­ng to slaughter houses, stunning them by hanging them upside down and dipping their heads in an electrifie­d bath). Again, there are better ways to do things.

Traditiona­l Irish farming has many plusses. Do we really need more, faster, bigger when it comes to livestock production?

 ??  ?? Cattle and sheep in Ireland don’t need to be farmed intensivel­y
Cattle and sheep in Ireland don’t need to be farmed intensivel­y
 ??  ??

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