Drogheda Independent

Look after your heart with Revive Active


Wouldn’t you be lost without your heart? What can you do to reduce your risk of cardiovasc­ular disease including heart attack and stroke? There are some simple steps that you can take to help ensure that you have a healthy cardiovasc­ular system.

A healthy balanced diet should provide you with the nutrients required to keep cholestero­l levels in check, blood pressure balanced, and the arteries clear. Exercise is important as it will help keep the blood flowing, sleep is crucial to keep inflammati­on under control–a major contributi­on to heart disease. Stress is also a contributo­r to developing high blood pressure so keep on eye on this area of your life.

Nutrients for heart health include Arginine, Lecithin, Vitamins C, E and K, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, and CoQ10. Arginine is needed for healthy blood flow. CoQ10 can reduce the build-up of plaque in the blood vessels, reduce LDL cholestero­l production, and improve energy levels.

CoQ10 can also reduce the side effects associated with taking statins which can include muscle pain and tiredness.

Healthy heart food includes a variety of wholegrain­s, green leafy vegetables, beetroot, pomegranat­e, brown rice, almonds, chia seeds, pulses, lentils, molasses, citrus fruits, apricots, butterbean­s, parsley, rosehip, and tomatoes. Turkey, chicken, pumpkin seeds, soya beans, and dairy products are sources of arginine. Other foods to include are cayenne pepper, hawthorn tea, white tea, and garlic.

A supplement called Revive Active contains a good variety of important nutrients for heart health including 150mg of CoQ10. Not only is it super effective at protecting you from cardiovasc­ular disease but it improves energy levels and supports immunity too. My dad has been using Revive Active for several years now. His main objective is to improve cardiovasc­ular health, his arteries are severely blocked, and because he is not a candidate for bypass he wanted something to at least try to keep his heart healthy.

I believe that Revive Active has played an important part in preventing the blockages in the arteries from getting worse, if anything on his last test there was a slight improvemen­t in the blockages which is great. At 82 he has fantastic energy and has a healthy immune system and long may that last.

Look after your heart you’d be lost without it!

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