Drogheda Independent




The gremlins ran amok in this column last week on the obituary of my sister Elizabeth (Betty). She is survived by five sons and two daughters, apart from all the other relevant survivors. She is survived by five sons, but one was missing from the obituary last week and that was Declan, to whom I apologize sincerely.


Sunday Mass in Mornington Is now available to view live on Facebook. Create a Facebook account and go to ‘’Groups’ on Left Hand Side of Screen. Then type ‘Mornington Parish Mass’ in Search bar at top of page, click on the Mornington Parish Mass Group and then click on the ‘Join’ button to request to join the group. When your request to join is accepted you will be able to view the Mass on Sunday Mornings at 10am.


We are mindful of the children of our parish and their families who were looking forward to this important celebratio­n of faith this weekend. We hope you will continue to prepare by praying each day and join in Sunday Mass through Facebook. Dates for First Holy Communions for this year will be made as soon as the restrictio­ns are lifted and when the schools are back in operation. Parents are asked to keep note of the newsletter and Parish website.


Volunteers from St. Colmcilles and the local area can help get your groceries, prescripti­ons, and fuel during this uncertain time. Contact Brian on 0871141150 or Ciara 087-6560343.


Fr. Joseph will continue to say Mass each morning privately. If you have an intention please write it out & place in an write it out & place in an envelope with your donation.

If you wish you can include your name & phone no. and Fr. Joseph will ring you to let you know when the Mass is being said. Please drop your envelope into the Presbytery letterbox.


We appreciate that this is a difficult time for so many, with worries and pressures coming at them. For this reason, we are even more grateful to those who have been in a position to return their envelopes to the church in the recent weeks. Your generosity is deeply appreciate­d. We kindly invite people to consider maintainin­g or making a donation to the Parish during this critical time. As you will be aware, for the duration of the restrictio­ns on attendance at Mass, the Parish will be at a financial loss. While we will be saving on heat and electricit­y, other bills remain.

There are three ways of supporting the parish: Weekly envelopes: Continue to drop in the weekly envelope for the Church, through the letterbox in the Presbytery Door.

Cheque (made payable to Mornington Church) or Cash Donation in Envelope marked ‘Mornington Church’: Donations can be left in an envelope into the Presbytery. Please include your name and/or envelope number (if you have one) as a reference so we can acknowledg­e your donation. If you would like to set up a standing order with the Church or to make a one-off payment, you can do so by electronic transfer to our Church account. Details are as follows: A/C: Mornington Church, BIC: BOFIIE2D, IBAN: IE93 BOFI 9033 2287 6798 44. Please let us know that you have made a donation or set up a standing order, so that we can track your donation. We very much appreciate your support.

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