Enniscorthy Guardian

Ideas for parents



PLAY FUN games that help develop fundamenta­l movements such as running, jumping, throwing, catching, etc.

ACTIVITY HOT POTATO A game of throwing and catching of a piece of fruit with your child. Extra points if child eats the fruit at the end!


ENCOURAGE YOUR child to practice on both sides when practising both hurling and Gaelic football. ACTIVITY SHOOTING Twenty shots at goal - ten off both right and left side, both hurling and football.


ENCOURRAGE YOUR child to develop new skills of skills that may not be as strong as others they have already acquired.


Ask your child what his strongest skills are, and then ask is there anyone that he/she would like to improve.

Come up with a plan to improve that skill.


ENCOURAGE YOUR child to take activity breaks at least every three hours.

ACTIVITY Ensure your child gets out and gets active at least three times a day, for 30 minutes each time.


ENCOURAGE YOUR child to try a variety of sports and games. Different sports develop different attributes that are transferab­le to other sports.

ACTIVITY OBSTACLE COURSE Create an obstacle course that includes five different sports or body movements, e.g. hurling, running, football, crawling, jumping.


ENCOURRAGE YOUR child to do things quickly and at speed. ACTIVITY TIME YOUR CHILD SHOOTING

Ten shots at goal - five off both right and left side, both hurling and football.


HAVE A chat to your child about the importance of good sleep and how it helps with physical and psychologi­cal wellbeing.

ACTIVITY Track your child’s sleep pattern for a week.

Make suggestion­s to go to sleep earlier or get up earlier accordingl­y.

FOLLOW US on Twitter @wexfordgaa­coaching for the full programme of wellness events running until Sunday, May 31.

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