Gorey Guardian

Man smeared blood on face of garda in station


A MAN who punched a garda sergeant an left him with a cut lip agreed to pay €2,250 in compensati­on in order to spare himself a criminal record.

Thirty-six year old Michael Murphy of Woodville House, Tombrack admitted that he assaulted Brendan Moore at Enniscorth­y Garda Station.

The incident reviewed at the District Court sitting in Gorey dated back to the early hours of October 25 of 2015 when the defendant was detained in the cell area at the barracks.

He turned aggressive, smearing blood on the face of Sergeant Moore and then punching him in the face.

Solicitor Lana Doherty told Judge John Cheatle her client called to apologise the following day and she reckoned that the attack was very out of character.

Murphy was father of four and earning €400 weekly, running his own business.

Prosecutin­g Sergeant Mairead Brophy pointed out that the assault was totally unprovoked.

Judge Cheatle said he rated Brendan Moore as an impressive man and a credit to the force.

However, he was reluctant to saddle the defendant with a criminal record.

He found the facts of the assault prosecutio­n proven but ruled that Murphy would be allowed the benefit of the Probation Act once the compensati­on is paid.

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