Gorey Guardian

Fascinatin­g photos


AN EXHIBITION of photograph­s by the accomplish­ed photojourn­alist Claudio Nego featuring the ethical hunter Neil Motherway was opened at the Irish National Heritage Park in Ferrycarri­g and will continue until March 7. The photos and an accompanyi­ng book ‘First Irish’ on the lives of early stone age settlers in Ireland, were launched in the presence of archaeolog­ist Dr. Stephen Mandal who spoke about the absence of violence in the Mesolithic era while former vegetarian Neil Motherway talked about his decision to become an ethical hunter. Claudio spoke about his experience of going on a hunt with Neil and feeling conflicted about the end result but growing to understand his motivation.

 ??  ?? Guy Urbin, Claudio Nego and Laura Hyland Antonio Morelli, Jason Byrne and Neil Motherway
Guy Urbin, Claudio Nego and Laura Hyland Antonio Morelli, Jason Byrne and Neil Motherway
 ??  ?? Neil Motherway and Claidio Nego
Neil Motherway and Claidio Nego

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