Gorey Guardian


- by Carlos O’Connor

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

A fresh start. Does that appeal to you? Clear out all that clutter that you never even look at. Ask yourself what you really want to be doing and start aiming for it. Consider it not so much a case of ‘Can I do it?’ but rather more ‘When can I do it?’ There are some miserably clingy people around. Maybe you would rather have a dog or cat? Feel free! Your Luck: See your future as a blank canvas. Get ready with those colours and textures. Allow yourself to get excited!

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Well known for burning the candle at both ends, you now seem to be trying to light it in the middle as well! Slow down a bit before you completely vaporise! This is not on your ‘to do’ list but it should be. Give some time to others who will help you to relax in return. You are great at being kind to others but not so good at being kind to yourself. Am I right? Your Luck: Stopping for a while is not the same as going backwards. Calm your mind in calm places.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Be it at home or work, you may be looking for a new approach. Once others know that, offers will come. Your ideal situation is a good and trusted working partnershi­p. Someone from abroad whose circumstan­ces have changed may hold the key to your future satisfacti­on. At work, come forward with your opinion. It doesn’t have to please everyone. Your Luck: A sense of loneliness may lead you to seek help from a computer. You have choice.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

The lighter side of life is what you want to live at the moment. Maybe you have had enough of serious matters and having to make decisions. Keep that sunny side up. It seems that all around you people are giving in to negative feelings. There is a general air of doom and gloom. This does not have to involve you and is best avoided. People can be disappoint­ing. Your Luck: Are you the sun in the storm, the light in the darkness? Be your own inspiratio­n.

Aries March 21 – April 20

This week your instincts tell you to look after your body. There are preparatio­ns to make for the new season. Listen carefully to someone new in your life but avoid fast decisions. You wonder why lives lived so differentl­y to yours can lead to the same place. Money may not be great but personal satisfacti­on should be high. Do you feel that? Your Luck: An idea that seemed dead last week seems to be stirring again. Just choose your partners carefully.

Leo July 23 – August 23

With your temper on a knife-edge this week it may be hard to keep cool. Lions with bees in their bonnets are best avoided. Colleagues know that and, if you continue to show your temper, they might stay away. Socially you seem to be able to relax. Maybe send out invitation­s for drinks in the evenings. You need to do lots of talking so choose your companions carefully. Your Luck: Try not to show your frustratio­n with others. They are likely doing their best.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

This week isn’t about changing your appearance or the face that you show to the world. It’s all about being yourself. Now, if that does not fit in with how others want you to be, what do you do? There are choices ahead that mean you can go for either honesty or subterfuge. One brings status and money, the other brings satisfacti­on and peace of mind. Your Luck: Whatever you decide this week will not bring earth-shattering results. Slowly your reward will arrive.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Are you hiding your talents away? Maybe you are being shunted into an area of work that you don’t want. Be open and honest to keep a good relationsh­ip. It’s hard not to care what others think, but this is a time for you. You know the changes you desire. It does, however, involve coming out of your comfort zone. Still, nothing ventured, nothing gained! Be brave. Your Luck: At times it seems easier to start again rather than try to mend something that is dying.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

A new approach to money and career sees you in a much more relaxed mood. Something that you worried would happen last week has passed. Avoid worrying about things you cannot change. Your imaginatio­n is best put to work organising a get-together. Be prepared to meet and keep contact with some pretty interestin­g people. Your Luck: Someone may worry that you are too quiet and that there has been a change in you. It is for the good.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

This is a busy time. Trying to juggle everything and please everyone isn’t possible. So, get that list of priorities out and start selecting. With so much to do you risk neglecting someone who really needs your attention and love. Taking them for granted would be a mistake. Find the time to share a chat and a smile. No, a bunch of flowers or a bottle of drink won’t do! Your Luck: Busy sowing the seeds of success? Well, don’t forget to water the ones you started in the past.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Not as chatty as people expect you to be? No? Whatever is going on in your mind, find out. Others will wonder why you’re so distant this week. You will be asked! Of course, some things you prefer to keep to yourself, but real worries are better shared. Insecurity can get out of hand. Maybe some deep breathing or long walks will reset your rhythm? Your Luck: If you’re feeling uncomforta­ble about anything, bounce ideas off your friends and family.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Be your own best friend this week. Refuse to listen to any moans and groans from someone who seeks the sympathy vote. You know them well enough. If it is possible to get to stay with someone who is fun for a few days, then go for it. Otherwise a lovely quiet visit to a beach or forest should clear the cobwebs away. What you seek now is something or someone to soothe your soul. Your Luck: Never be afraid to ask for what you want. There is more support here than you know.

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