Gorey Guardian

Market House is a top priority for the council


The redevelopm­ent plans of Gorey Market House were up for discussion at a recent Gorey Kilmuckrid­ge Municipal District meeting on Tuesday, March 26.

Cathaoirle­ach Pip Breen and Cllr Oliver Walsh represent Wexford County Council (WCC) on the Southern Regional Assembly and the assembly are looking at a new funding initiative for the regenerati­on of heritage buildings with a scheme called THRIVE.

WCC can only send in one applicatio­n for this scheme and it has been agreed that Gorey Market House will be the priority project.

WCC are currently putting together the fund applicatio­n which will be submitted by May 3. If approved, Gorey Market House could be allocated funding between €2million to €7million. “I’d say it’s a number one priority for the members because it’s a transforma­tional project and the impact it would have on the public realm and the level of interest in the Market House,” said Director of Services Liz Hore.

WCC put out a call for expression­s of interest through the district office for partners from the community to work with the Council on this project. The Gorey Community Developmen­t Group came forward and the WCC will be meeting with them soon to discuss this further.

Furthermor­e, a multidisci­plinary team has been set up in WCC made up of engineers and members from the planning and special projects department. “It’s a fairly heavy applicatio­n, there’s a number of work streams in it from community consultati­on to measuring our green impact in terms of measures of climate actions, conservati­on, regenerati­on.

“We have a very good team on board, they’re one of the best architectu­ral firms that I’ve seen in terms of the work that they’ve previously done such as the restoratio­n of the Wexford Arts Centre,” said Liz.

Cllr Breen went on to say that he is delighted to be involved with this programme along with Cllr Walsh. “It’s a massive programme and it was launched in Brussels when we were out there. As with all things from Brussels, it takes a while to get through but I think it will be sufficient to put the Market House back where it was and I want to thank Liz for following up and getting the ball rolling to get it to where it is,” said Cllr Breen.

Cllr Anthony Donohue stated that he would like the Market House to be used for something that brings significan­t footfall to the building.

“I’d like to see something that brings footfall into the market house, not 15 or 20 or 30 people a year that want to go in and look at something from 300 years, something that brings footfall in and makes the place more vibrant,” said Cllr Donohue.

Liz agreed with Cllr Donohue’s statements that it had to be a transforma­tional project. “That’s why it needs significan­t funds that’s why I think the THRIVE sits well and also I put in the €2.3million as well so it will be a flagship project for Gorey,” said Liz.

Cllr Andrew Bolger stated that the Council should have a “Plan B” in case they do not find a suitable to install in it especially as a lot of money is being invested into this project.

“I’d be confident that it will work because this is European money and exactly what we’re looking for,” said Cllr Breen.

The public consultati­on took place at the Market House on Saturday, April 6, where the public were able to fill out forms and inform the design team of their ideas for the Market House.

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