Gorey Guardian

Condition of some local roads is ‘deplorable’ - Wall


“DEPLORABLE” road conditions in the rural parts of the Enniscorth­y Municipal District (EMD) are forcing residents to fork out “ever mounting” costs to repair damaged vehicles. Since announcing her candidacy for this summer’s local elections Majella Wall has been busy on the canvassing trail and says those living in rural areas have huge concerns regarding the local road networks.

“The deplorable state of roads and footpaths in rural Enniscorth­y must be addressed immediatel­y,” said Ms Wall, who is running for the Wexford Independen­t Alliance (WIA) in the June elections. “The situation is now so bad many rural roads will disappear altogether if not repaired, leading to many more millions of Euro being needed to restore them later on.

Calling for a supplement­ary injection of cash to that already allocated by Wexford County Council for rural roads maintenanc­e, Ms. Wall said the very fabric of our rural roads network is breaking down and will soon be beyond repair unless immediate steps are taken to rectify the situation.

“Since I started canvassing the very first question I’ve been asked is ‘what are you going to do about the state of our roads?’ It’s the main talking point on every doorstep, way ahead even of housing, with householde­rs telling of harrowing tales of flooded roads and potholes a foot deep.”

Those living in these areas say they are regularly visiting their mechanics for repairs as a result of driving on roads that are little more than dirt tracks.

“I simply cannot understand how our rural roads structure has been allowed to deteriorat­e to the extent it has,” said Ms Wall. “But I’m certain of one thing, having experience­d the situation at first hand all over the Enniscorth­y District, if elected on June 7, I will leave no stone unturned in my determinat­ion to bring about an improvemen­t in the present situation.

“This deplorable problem is not just confined to the EMD but is a countywide issue and, with my WIA colleagues, I will fight tooth and nail for additional funding for rural road improvemen­ts and repairs.”

Acknowledg­ing that Wexford County Council had a limited budget allocated to road repairs, Ms Wall said the county’s TDs had to exert “greater pressure” to secure additional funding for the county.

“Nothing less will do if we are to save our rural roads network from total oblivion. I have now experience­d the problem at first hand, and all I can do at this point is empathise with the thousands of householde­rs living in rural areas. However, if and when elected, their fight will be mine and I will not be found wanting in helping them to have their voices heard.”

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