

Our hair is linked intrinsica­lly to who we are – to our identity, gender, culture and ethnicity – whether it’s on our heads or our bodies. HOLLY O’NEILL talks to seven Irish women about how their relationsh­ip with their hair has shaped their lives.


Holly O’Neill talks to seven Irish women about their relationsh­ip with their hair

Amber Jean Rowan


I didn’t really understand what my hair meant to me until it was gone. It starting falling out when I was 15 as a result of alopecia, and was gone within a year. When you’re 15, anything different is daunting and terrifying. My journey with hairpieces began at around 17. The word “wig” for me has a lot of emotional attachment. Before I needed to wear them, “wig” seemed a very unglamorou­s word. A wig means you’re covering something, but a hairpiece is more of an enhancemen­t. Once I got my first good hairpiece, I came out of the salon and felt amazing. When 26-year-old me looks back now, it’s interestin­g how I thought, and still do sometimes, that long hair equals beauty. My hairpiece for so long was my shield. It hid my most vulnerable part of me. I go hair-free more often now, but when I don’t have my hairpiece on, I feel completely vulnerable. It protects me. I’m getting to the point where I’m just as comfortabl­e being hair-free as I am wearing a hairpiece. Finding confidence without wearing it has only happened in the last year or so. I’m taking little steps, like arriving at a shoot without my hairpiece on, or going to a talk with my scarf on and taking it off once I’m there. The last month I spent in India, I made a promise to myself that I wasn’t going to wear my hairpiece, and that has made a massive difference. It took me until my third day in to take off my headscarf, but once I did, it was so liberating. At the end of the day, hair is just hair; it means so much, but in the same breath it doesn’t. It’s just strands of dead matter that happen to be on our heads. A gorgeous quote I posted on my Instagram was “Don’t define yourself by things that are temporary. Define yourself by things that are eternal.”

“At the end of the day, hair is just hair; it means

so much, but in the same breath it doesn’t.”

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