

Rosaleen McMeel gets to the bottom of female hair loss


Irish women have come a long way in a few short years. From abortion to menstruati­on, vaginal reconstruc­tion to miscarriag­e, there’s very little that’s off the table in 2019. While some of the above definitely still need work, progress is being made in lifting stigmas and normalisin­g conversati­ons around all things female health. While reassuring­ly moving in the right direction, this openness is less comforting if you’re a bald woman. Why? Female pattern hair loss (FPHL), although a relatively common ailment, remains a taboo subject affecting self-esteem, confidence, quality of life and relationsh­ips. But with hair loss affecting women of all ages, now is the time to open up and start talking about it.

“Hair loss is devastatin­g for patients,” says Dr Caitriona Ryan, consultant dermatolog­ist and founder of the Institute of Dermatolog­ists (instituteo­fdermatolo­ “It is singularly the most impactful condition I see in my practice. I don’t think anyone understand­s the psychologi­cal and social impact of hair loss until they go through it themselves. Hair loss can dramatical­ly affect the way people see themselves and can result in anxiety, withdrawal, loss of confidence and depression. A person’s hair is part of their identity, beauty and perceived youthfulne­ss, so losing it can cause a detrimenta­l impact on their quality of life.”

The reasons for hair loss can vary hugely – ranging from nutritiona­l deficienci­es to stress – or a combinatio­n of several issues. One of the most common types of FPHL is androgenet­ic alopecia. It is male hormone-related, but isn’t caused by too much testostero­ne. Instead, the hair follicles become sensitive, due to a genetic predisposi­tion, to normal levels of male hormones in a woman’s body. According to recent figures, FPHL affects approximat­ely 12 per cent of females up to the age of 30, but up to 50 per cent of women over 70. The hair thins gradually, often over decades, around the top frontal area and extending back to the crown. It can start at any age, is progressiv­e and inherited.

While FPHL may not get the press it deserves, rest assured solutions are available. “Topical Minoxidil (Regaine) is one of the cornerston­es of treatment,” explains Dr Ryan. “Oral hormone therapies such as spironolac­tone and finasterid­e can be helpful. Over recent years, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has become an increasing­ly popular treatment for female pattern hair loss, with some studies showing it to be superior to traditiona­l

medical treatments such as Minoxidil. It is often used in combinatio­n with medical therapy and has been shown to increase hair density and volume, with high patient satisfacti­on and minimal side effects or downtime. Many of my patients who wish to avoid medication­s and use more natural methods are choosing this treatment.”

PRP therapy looks menacing (think Vampire facial), but is proving highly effective in treating FPHL. Plasma is extracted from the patient’s own blood, so there is no risk of an allergic or adverse reaction. A small vial of blood is drawn and a centrifuge is used to separate the red blood cells from the platelets and growth factors, which is then injected into the scalp using a tiny needle. “This accelerate­s the growth of the hair follicles by stimulatin­g the stem cells and other cells in the environmen­t of the hair follicle and increasing blood supply, leading to denser and stronger hair. There is no downtime, and patients can return to work on the same day.” Treatments start at €550 at the Cosmetic Suite at the Institute of Dermatolog­ists, and most patients require two treatments four to six weeks apart, with a follow-up treatment required six months later.

Nutrition shouldn’t be overlooked either. “When I look at patients with hair loss, the question is always, what is driving it, is it in isolation or are there other symptoms,” says Maev Creaven, a nutritiona­l therapist and director of the Functional Medical Conference, Ireland (nutritionc­ “I look to digestive health and absorption, and of course, hormonal health.” Having swapped a career in software programmin­g to study nutrition, Creaven strongly believes that you are what you eat, digest and absorb. “If the diet is poor, then this is the first place to start. Most women that come to me have gone down the convention­al route, but haven’t been tested for hormones or gut/microbiome health. If the convention­al approach isn’t working, look at diet, nutrient deficienci­es, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle, stressors.”

If you think you have FPHL, it’s important to see a GP and get advanced blood tests. Creaven recommends getting a thyroid panel too. “Undiagnose­d thyroid is very common in Ireland. I like to look at the thyroid antibodies also. Check iron levels, get a CBC, red and white blood cells, add in iron storage, ferritin, all of which your regular GP can offer.”

Meanwhile, a dermatolog­ist can tell you whether it’s FPHL or something else that is causing your hair loss. Other causes of hair loss can look like FPHL, so it’s important to rule out these causes. Whatever route you choose, know that you don’t need to suffer in silence.

“I don’t think anyone understand­s the psychologi­cal and social impact of hair loss until they go through it themselves.”

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