Irish Central

Celebratin­g an Irish Easter: traditions, blessings and recipes


IrishCentr­al Staff

From dinner to dessert to the special Irish bread in hot cross buns, the tradi‐ tional Irish Easter celebratio­n is full of great recipes and fantastic Easter food. Apart from Christmas and St. Patrick's Day, Easter is the most important reli‐ gious holiday in Ireland's calendar with traditiona­l Irish dinner, blessings, recipes, greetings and even bread. The works!

Preparatio­n for Easter Sunday in Ireland starts at the beginning of Lent and cul‐ minates with a gathering of family and friends and everyone's favorite food, usually chocolates or whatever other vice was given up for the Lenten period, is eaten.

Although many of the older traditions remain in place, some of them have not. Here's a look at some of the Easter tra‐ ditions in Ireland, past and present.

How is Easter celebrated in Ireland? Before Easter

Clean house thoroughly inside and out - whitewash applied.

Get new clothes. On Good Friday

Fast - this is the most serious day of fasting from the Lenten calendar. Some devout Catholics will not eat until mid‐ day and even then will only have a piece of bread and three sips of water, honor‐ ing the Holy Trinity.

Cut your hair to prevent headaches dur‐ ing the year and trim your fingers and toenails.

Take off your shoes when entering a Church.

Remain quiet from noon until 3 pm. Visit holy wells and graveyards. All wa‐ ter from holy wells has curative proper‐ ties on Good Friday.

Plant a few crop seeds to bring a bless‐ ing to all your crops.

A child born on Good Friday and baptized on Easter Sunday will have the gift of healing. It was thought that boys born and baptized on these days should enter the ministry. Those who die on Good Friday go straight to heaven. Chicken's eggs laid on Good Friday are marked with a cross. Each member of the household eats one Easter Sunday. And chicks hatched on Good Friday will be healthy.

You must have holy water blessed. Drink three sips of the water for good luck and sprinkle everything for good luck. Bring the cinders from the fire to be blessed.

During Lent, Catholics would abstain from any red meat eating only fish. On

Easter Saturday a tradition developed of having a mock funeral for a herring. IrishCentr­al History

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Easter Sunday

Gather your family and go to a hilltop to see the sunrise. Catholics believed that this is the Savior rising from his grave. Alternativ­ely, view the reflection of the sun in a bucket of water and then move it so the sun appears to dance. Celebrate with eggs as a signifier of life. Either color them or give them as gifts. Have a Cludog / Cluideog. This is a ritual where children collect the eggs and cook them with other food in a structure at the edge of the farm. Essentiall­y it's roasted eggs.

Merrymaker­s dressed in brightly colored rags would go from place to place singing and dancing and demanding the eggs of Easter.

Have a feast with your family. Tradition‐ ally, leek soup and roast lamb were served.

Have a cake dance. The best dancer gets the prize of a cake.

What are the Irish Easter traditions in your house? Let us know in the com‐ ments section, below. *Originally published in2013,updated inMarch202­4.

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