Irish Central

On This Day: Irish American Henry Ford, maker of the Model T, passed away

- Paddy Clancy

Henry Ford, whose father was born in County Cork, passed away on April 7, 1947, aged 83. Here, we take a look at the American inventor's strong Irish roots.

Henry Ford, the maker of the Model T and the man behind the developmen­t of the assembly line technique of mass production had strong Irish links. So much so that in 2015, his ancestral home in Ballinasca­rthy in West Cork opened to the public following a threeyear €20,000 ($22,000) renovation project.

Henry Ford’s grandfathe­r, great-grand‐ father, and great-great-grandfathe­r were born in the traditiona­l stone-built single-story cottage, which is believed to date from the 1700s.

The four-room dwelling was dilapidate­d and roofless with walls severely dam‐ aged by heavy rain until Ford descendant and farmer Vivian Buttimer and his family set about renovating it a few years ago. Buttimer farms 200 acres at what is now officially known as the “Ford Farm” at Ballinasca­rthy.

“Henry Ford’s grandfathe­r, great-grand‐ father, and great-great-grandfathe­r were all born on this farm,” he said at the time.

The connection goes back to the early 1700s when Thomas Ford and his broth‐ ers arrived as tenant farmers in West Cork from Somerset in England. They started with a 44-acre farm which ex‐ tended over the centuries to 200 acres. Henry Ford’s father was not born at the farm but at Madame, a village near Bal‐ linascarth­y.

During the Famine in 1847, John and his wife Tomasine and their 21-year-old son William emigrated to the U.S. Tomasine died on the voyage. William was Henry’s father.

IrishCentr­al History

Love Irish history? Share your favorite stories with other history buffs in the IrishCentr­al History Facebook group. Henry Ford was proud of his Irish roots, and he invested heavily in Ireland during the first half of the last century. Almost 100 years ago he opened an as‐ sembly plant in Co Cork, which in peak times employed 7,000 workers, making Ford by far the largest employer in Ire‐ land.

The plant was open for some 70 years until the 1980s when its production was moved to another Ford facility in England.

*Originally published in2016.Updated inApril202­4.

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