Irish Daily Mail - YOU



THE #METOO CAMPAIGN RIGHTLY GARNERED headlines worldwide as it gave a platform to women who had spent years keeping secret the abuses and assaults that they had suffered. One surprising thing was that many of the women who spoke out were far from timid, shy individual­s – in fact, a large number of them were successful, confident women with steady careers and seemingly perfect lives. One such woman was author Cathy Kelly, who revealed she’d been assaulted, abused and later blackmaile­d by a man she’d worked with in the past. A few months on from her revelation, on page 34 we meet Cathy as she launches her latest book and reflects on her life since she spoke out. Far from regretting it, she is just hopeful that other women in this position can take heart from her vocalising her ordeal and be brave enough to join the campaign and put a stop to harassment. THE NEWS THAT A LOVED ONE IS TERMINALLY ILL is something that nobody ever wants to hear. So when musician Joseph Wilson and his mother Sandy were told that she had an inoperable brain tumour, they were understand­ably devastated by the diagnosis. Sandy was determined to go out on her terms and asked Joseph and his sister to help her get to Dignitas, On page 38, we hear about their journey – mentally and physically. Whatever your stance on assisted suicide – and Joseph is well aware many don’t agree with it – this is a heartbreak­ing story, beautifull­y told.

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