Irish Daily Mail - YOU


- Sally Brompton

LEO 24 JULY-23 AUG Beneath their buoyant exteriors, Leos tend to be sensitive souls. And that can make it comparativ­ely easy for certain people to play on your feelings and get you to do things you might not choose to do if you were to think logically. At some stage this week you will have to get tough and let them know that you are no longer prepared to play this game. And mean it. CALL 1560 475 016*

VIRGO 24 AUG-23 SEPT Some people seem to enjoy making life complicate­d. You, on the other hand, do not have the time, nor the patience, for anything that is not crystal clear right from the start. So if others start talking themselves in circles this week, just close your ears and walk away. CALL 1560 475 017*

LIBRA 24 SEPT-23 OCT Try not to dwell on financial and business issues this week. If you take nothing too seriously, nothing too serious is likely to go wrong. In the greater scheme of things, what you own and what you earn is of little importance. What matters is that you love and learn. CALL 1560 475 018*

SCORPIO 24 OCT-22 NOV Jupiter in your sign makes it easy for you to persuade those with whom you share creative interests to join together as a team. This is one of the best times of the year for artistic activities. Whether you paint, act, sculpt, dance or sing, you will make a lasting impression. CALL 1560 475 019*

SAGITTARIU­S 23 NOV-21 DEC You seem to be feeling a bit vulnerable. Maybe it is because your finances are not as solid as they could be, or you are not getting the affection you feel you deserve. Either way, the planets indicate that your situation is not as bad as you fear. This week will prove it. CALL 1560 475 020*

CAPRICORN 22 DEC-20 JAN You may be tempted to hit out at someone who has been maligning you but on this occasion it would be wiser to ignore them entirely. If you are rude in return it will start a feud that takes weeks to resolve. It is simply not worth the time nor the energy. CALL 1560 475 021*

AQUARIUS 21 JAN-19 FEB You have taken on a lot more responsibi­lities lately and will be tempted to take on more this week. But is it really necessary? You may believe that you can handle it all but at some stage the extra work will take a toll on your efficiency. Think quality, not quantity. CALL 1560 475 010*

PISCES 20 FEB-20 MARCH Make an effort to finish what you start this week, or you could fall so far behind that you are unable to catch up for several weeks. Close your eyes and ears to outside distractio­ns and focus on one thing at a time. Pay attention to what is important. Blank out all else. CALL 1560 475 011*

ARIES 21 MARCH-20 APRIL Don’t let your ego get in the way this week. If there is something that needs to be done, and that you can do, then do it, no matter what others say about you lowering your standards. No task is too big or too small for you, not if you do it with attention and love. CALL 1560 475 012*

TAURUS 21 APRIL-21 MAY A relationsh­ip that has caused you more than a few sleepless nights will start to improve as from now. But don’t think that means you no longer have to work on it, or it will quickly slide back down the hill and this time it may not be possible to push it back up again. CALL 1560 475 013*

GEMINI 22 MAY-21 JUNE There is no need to cut back on essentials or sacrifice things you can’t afford. You may think there is no way out of a financial dilemma, but there is always a way – even if it is some time before you see it. In the meantime, stay calm and don’t do anything hasty. CALL 1560 475 014*

CANCER 22 JUNE-23 JULY You are doing too many things for too many people and not nearly enough for yourself. The planets warn that if you continue you’ll quickly burn yourself out, physically and emotionall­y. You must find the courage to tell them that you will no longer cater to their every whim. CALL 1560 475 015*

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