Irish Daily Mail - YOU


- Linda Maher


HOW I wish I’d had the advice of Liz Doyle, left, back in my single days! On page 26, the dating guru explains how her Find Dining Club matchmakin­g business works and also imparts some of the wisdom she’s learned from years of helping singletons get together. She warns women off free dating sites and apps, saying that the majority of men on them are only interested in one thing – and it’s not your sparkling personalit­y. I wasted so much time on such sites, the horror stories I could tell you would make your hair curl. There were the men who were very obviously married, who didn’t even try to hide it – although I guess the ones who pretended they weren’t are worse. There were the men who used other people’s photograph­s to give an impression of being taller, more muscular or better looking. I mean, why lie? If we ever meet up, which is surely the whole point of this, then I’m bound to notice! Or the men who shaved years off their age – by decades in some cases. Again, this is something I’m likely to work out for myself. Liz’s dating service may be expensive – it’s €2,000 to join and then there’s a monthly fee for the nights out – but I have to admit, if I’d known the absolute waste of time much of my online dating life was going to be, I’d happily have paid it. The nights also take place in really high-end restaurant­s to at the very least, you’ll have an enjoyable meal in good company. Thankfully, I have since met the man of my dreams – set up via our mammies, it seems they do know best! – and don’t need to endure the dating scene any more. But if you’re still perusing, it might be worth considerin­g an investment in your future. It could be the best money you ever spend. Failing that, ask your mammy!

On page 30, we meet Dr Edith Eger, a psychologi­st in San Diego, California. Much of her work is with war veterans and what’s truly remarkable about her is that she is an Auschwitz survivor and uses her experience from the horrors she endured to help other people. It’s a fascinatin­g read and shows the true strength of the human condition.

Enjoy the issue!

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