Irish Daily Mail - YOU

Is winter making you SAD?

- Dr Clare Bailey

It’s cold, dark, Christmas is over – no wonder many of us experience the winter blues at this time of year. Your body is telling you to slow down, hide under the covers, conserve energy and hibernate until spring.

For others, however, it is more serious. As a GP, I see a lot of people with depression and I suspect many suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This affects as many as one in 15 people in Ireland between September and April. Short gloomy days sap their energy. The gloom seeps into their core. The onset of the long dark winter nights can be a thing of dread. The body’s solar power is failing.

While there is no definitive test for SAD, sufferers typically experience sleep difficulti­es, become anxious, irritable and withdrawn, have trouble concentrat­ing, crave carbohydra­tes, gain weight and slide into depression. Some feel an overwhelmi­ng sense of pointlessn­ess or guilt. If these symptoms sound familiar and you are struggling to cope, please do consider seeing your GP.

For most people, however, simply getting out when it is bright – especially in the morning and around midday, ideally combined with a bit of exercise – is enough to lift their mood and energy levels. The daylight works by suppressin­g the body’s production of melatonin – the hormone that makes you feel sleepy – helping you to feel more alert and energised. Along with increasing levels of serotonin – known as the ‘happy’ chemical – daylight can also improve activity levels, sleep patterns, mood and motivation.

But what if you just can’t get enough natural light in winter? Light therapy, like daylight, can help to reprogramm­e the brain. It involves sitting near a ‘daylight mimicking’ lamp, which provides at least ten times the amount of light of a household bulb. To see if this therapy would have an energising effect on me I ordered a light box. However, while I enjoyed the lift from the extra light, before I had a real chance to bask in its glow, my daughter took it to brighten her room and cheer her up while she revised.

Other options for those struggling with winter’s short, dark days include dawn stimulatio­n alarm clocks, which gently increase the light as you wake, and cognitive behavioura­l therapy, which focuses on strategies to redress negative thought patterns and improve mood. Referral is via your GP or by contacting your local psychologi­cal therapies services. Practising mindfulnes­s can also be effective in helping to reduce stress and the tendency to ruminate about worries (try the Headspace app).

Low levels of vitamin D, which is produced in the skin through exposure to sunlight, may also contribute to feeling low, so as well as getting out in the day, eat more foods rich in vitamin D such as tuna, salmon, eggs and cheese. Cod liver oil or vitamin D supplement­s are also an option, particular­ly if you have darker skin.

However, if symptoms are affecting your ability to function, you no longer enjoy the things you used to and you feel down much of the time, it is important to see your GP who may recommend serotonin-based antidepres­sants.

A gene linked to SAD has recently been found that may spur on new treatments. In the meantime, if you are suffering from the lack of sunlight, find out which strategies work for you and remember that the sun will be shining again soon(ish).

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