Irish Daily Mail - YOU



Well this week was tough, wasn’t it? I think this time of year is always a bit difficult anyway – the dark evenings, cold weather, some people haven’t been paid since before Christmas, new year’s resolution­s have already been broken... throw in a global health crisis on top of that and it’s no wonder so many people are struggling. Several of my WhatsApp groups and numerous Facebook groups pinged with messages this week from people just putting it out there that they’re having a tough time of it. While it’s great to see that they feel comfortabl­e enough to express their difficulti­es, it does make you wonder how many people are feeling that way but unable to express it? It was very heartwarmi­ng to see the outpouring of support that the people who did speak up got, and hopefully that will encourage others to ask for help if they need it too. Funnily enough, sometimes the kindness of strangers can mean everything. I’m in a food group on Facebook with almost 9,000 members that’s run by a man but comprised of about 98 per cent women. It’s light-hearted, fun and has the odd recipe thrown in for good measure. The majority of members are from the UK and Ireland, but there are some from as far flung as Australia and America too. Apart from about 15 people who seem to know the guy who runs it personally, all the rest of us are strangers. Every so often, between the jokes, recipes and pleas for advice, a message will pop up that’s clearly someone who just needs support, to know that there’s someone out there. The replies would warm your heart. No judgment, no admonishme­nts, just heartfelt answers – many revealing that they’re in the same boat. These people could be tens of thousands of miles apart or just down the road, but they don’t know each other and will probably never meet. But for those few brief sentences, they’re just there to offer help to someone who’s asking for it. Social media can be so toxic – i’ve written here before about my love/hate relationsh­ip with it. I know that this group is something of an anomaly in the madness and I don’t know how long it can stay that way. But as the world loses its head all around us, it’s nice to have that safe space to rely on. Whether it’s your family, your friends or anonymous strangers in a bonkers food group, make sure you know who your safety net is. I’ve a feeling we’re all going to need one over the next few months.

Enjoy the issue.

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