Irish Daily Mail - YOU



By discoverin­g which dosha you are, you can harness your strengths and identify any areas of weakness. We classify ourselves by our primary and secondary doshas. For example, you may be a Vata-Kapha or a Pitta-Kapha, but you are a combinatio­n of all three doshas in varying amounts. One may be prevalent, or all three may be close to equal. this world. You put your money where your mouth is, and the money often keeps growing because of it.

your temper. With all this fire energy, you can sometimes snap. Pittas can be impatient, judgmental or bossy and must work on going with the flow. It can be hard for you to switch off and take a rest. Your quest for perfection can cause you to take on too much, leading to burnout, irritabili­ty and agitation.

is to bring great ideas and innovation­s to life so they can have an impact while being profitable. Pittas are planners and the ultimate organisers. You thrive on challenge, structure and a clear sense of direction. Use your skills to get involved in law, finance, sport, politics or local community groups and charities. Balance your competitiv­e instincts with meditation, gentle walks and activities without goals or measures of performanc­e.

This is the energy of earth: grounded, anchored, slow, cool.

empathic, loving, humorous, giving and good-natured. You live for deep, meaningful connection­s. It’s normal for someone to tell you secrets they haven’t shared before, and you are the one friends come to when in need. You enjoy cooking, crafting or designing, and add personal details that touch people’s hearts. Kaphas are excellent coaches, therapists, customer service specialist­s, HR directors, teachers and nurses.

giving others so much that you end up having nothing left for yourself. You often say yes when you mean no. You can get stuck in your comfort zone and focus completely on your daily responsibi­lities, but it’s important to set boundaries, try something new, take a risk and shake things up a bit.

is to connect with people. Kaphas are the born grandmothe­rs of the world. You love working with your hands, so try cooking, knitting, sewing, gardening – or take a painting class.

Better yet, use this as an excuse to gather a group of friends together. Kaphas have a tendency towards sluggishne­ss, so light exercise or stretching first thing will help.

Set yourself regular mental challenges, such as mastering a new skill or puzzle-solving.

Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose

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