Irish Daily Mail - YOU




For the parmigiano fondue

H 500ml double or whipping cream

H 130g parmigiano reggiano

H 2 tsp coarse salt

For the gnocchi

H 1kg floury potatoes, good quality

H 1 egg

H 350g strong white bread flour

H salt, to taste

H 200g gorgonzola

H 100g fior di latte (or mozzarella)

H 150g ricotta

H 150g parmigiano reggiano, grated

1 Start by making the parmigiano fondue. Heat the cream in a saucepan, simmering gently to reduce by half, until thickened. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the parmigiano reggiano and salt. Whip the mixture to a smooth cream. Pass it through a sieve into a bowl. Cover with clingfilm in direct contact with the cream. Leave to cool for around 15 minutes to allow everything to stabilise.

2 Meanwhile, wash the potatoes, with their skins intact. Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil then add the potatoes, simmering them until they are cooked through (do not allow the water to come to the boil while they are cooking, as their skins could split).

3 Drain the potatoes, then peel and mash them until smooth. Add the egg and flour, kneading the resulting dough by hand. Be fast as lightning here, so the potatoes don’t cool down. Roll this dough into ‘sausages’ about 40cm long and 2cm in diameter. Cut them into gnocchi around 2cm long, add to a pan of salted boiling water and cook until they rise to the surface. Drain and transfer them to a bowl.

4 Now for the pièce de résistance. Add the cheeses and parmigiano fondue to the gnocchi and combine. Transfer to an ovenproof dish and put under a medium grill for 15 minutes. Serve on a large plate, or straight from the dish.

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