Irish Daily Mail

Revenge introverts of the

- By Susan Cain

DO YOU hate crowds and small talk? Is your idea of heaven a weekend wi t h nothing to do but spend time with your family and read a book? Do you find it exhausting to be around people all the time — even if they are people you really like?

If the answer to these questions is yes, you are probably an introvert. Contrary to popular opinion, an introvert is not someone who is anti-social or shy. Shyness is the fear of social disapprova­l or humiliatio­n, while introversi­on is a preference for environmen­ts that aren’t over-stimulatin­g.

Unlike extroverts, who are the life and soul of the party — and need to be around other people to recharge their big bets on the stock market (extroverts), delay gratificat­ion (introverts), and make considerat­e, well-balanced leaa leaders (introverts). batteries — introverts need a lot off As with other complement­ary quiet time and reflection. They cravee paipairing­s — masculinit­y and femininity, time alone and are happiest in theirr Eaeast and West, liberal and conservati­ve own inner world of thought and feeling.. — humanity would be unrecognis­able

Where you fall on the introvert-anand vastly diminished without both extrovert spectrum is the single mostt pepersonal­ity styles. important aspect of your personalit­y Aand yet these days many of us have — i t’ s the ‘ north and south off bebeen made to feel there is something temperamen­t’ as the scientist J.D. wwrong with being quiet. Higley puts it. It influences our choice Wwe’re told that to be great is to be of friends and partners, and how wee bobold, to be happy is to be sociable. We make conversati­on, resolve difference­ss live with a value system that I call the and show love. It affects the careerss Exextrover­t Ideal — the omnipresen­t we choose and whether or not wee belbelief that the ideal self is gregarious succeed at them. anand comfortabl­e in the spotlight.

It governs how likely we are too Tthe archetypal extrovert prefers exercise (a habit found in extroverts),, actaction to contemplat­ion, risk-taking to commit adultery (extroverts), function heeheed-taking, certainty to doubt. He or well without sleep (introverts), learn from our mistakes (introverts), place

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? COULD the new Tonique Contour bra from Playtex be the answer to every ample-busted woman’s fervent prayers? The lingerie claims all the comfort of a wireless bra, yet with the accompanyi­ng uplift of a push-up bra. Previously, voluptuous women were...
COULD the new Tonique Contour bra from Playtex be the answer to every ample-busted woman’s fervent prayers? The lingerie claims all the comfort of a wireless bra, yet with the accompanyi­ng uplift of a push-up bra. Previously, voluptuous women were...
 ??  ?? Vincent Van Gogh did not begin painting until his late
twenties, completing many of his best-known works during the last two years of
his life
Vincent Van Gogh did not begin painting until his late twenties, completing many of his best-known works during the last two years of his life

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