Irish Daily Mail

Health in the Life

- By Lucy Kennedy

IFOUND out I was pregnant at five weeks and for the next ten weeks I felt sick all day, every day. I was on air with Baz and then retching during the ad breaks. Weirdly enough, Denny deli-style ham was one of the few things I could eat — I was living on ham and Ready Brek — so when they asked me be brand ambassador for their new 100 per cent natural ingredient­s ham, I said yes straight away.

I used to lie in bed crying, thinking I’d never be normal again. But then I woke up at 16 weeks thinking, ‘I’m back!’

I was sick on Jack for 12 weeks, which wasn’t as bad. But with Jack I put on 2st and this time I’ve only put on 1.5st — I’m 11st now. I’m on my feet all day in my maternity tracksuit running after him, which is probably why.

I found it really hard to lose the baby weight last time and the only thing that worked in the end was the Weightwatc­hers points system — I lost 1st using that. It took a long time to get rid of that first baby weight — about 12 weeks.

I got back down to my original weight — 9.5st stone — then I got pregnant again. I was determined to get back to my normal weight before I got pregnant the second time. I would recommend Weightwatc­hers because it really works and you don’t feel like you’re depriving yourself of anything. When I did the Atkins diet I had vicious headaches and I’d wake up in the middle of the night craving pizzas.

BUT with WeightWatc­hers I like the idea of being able to eat what you want, in moderation — I just stuck to the points and that got rid of the weight. I’m not as worried about losing the weight this time because I haven’t gained as much and it’s a much easier time of year to get out for a walk. I had Jack in November 2009 and the weather was awful, with snow and ice.

I was housebound for the first six weeks with him, whereas this time around it’s bright, so I’ll be more motivated. And if I’m filming a programme in July or August — there is a suggestion I might be — there’s my motivation right there. No one wants to see a jelly belly on TV!

I was a total princess the first time round, too. I even bought myself a bell — poor Richie. Every little tweak, I was like: ‘Oh my God, quickly!’

This time, I’ve got Jack under one arm and my bag under the other and a trolley. Second time around you’re more confident with your pregnancy because you can say, ‘Okay, that’s not a contractio­n, that’s wind.’ I was nervous, as everyone is, until I felt my baby kick for the first time. I’m doing prenatal yoga in Sunrise Yoga in Dun Laoghaire with Jan Duffy. Oh my God, I adore Jan. I’m teacher’s pet — I get right up beside her. We’ve got to the stage where she’s like, ‘Do you have enough room?’ I just want to be near her.

My lower back was sore from about 30 weeks onwards with Jack but it has not happened this time at all, so I cannot recommend prenatal yoga enough. It’s kept the weight down too. I’m also going to a fantastic osteopath who’s keeping an eye on my back — Sarah Hanrahan in Dalkey.

My birth experience the last t i me wasn’ t great. I had to be induced because I was ten days over and I was so scared I asked for the epidural as soon as I walked in the door of the Coombe. They said, ‘Technicall­y, you have to be in labour first...’ But I’m a friend of medication!

When we finally got the point where we thought I could push, Jack was facing the wrong way and I had to have an emergency Caesarean. This baby is in the posterior position too — so I’m having an elective C-section.

Last time I was perfect four weeks after the birth. People fear the abdominal surgery — I’ve never tried it the other way but I’d say both are equally hideous but equally worth it in the end. To be honest, I don’t care if they take him out of my ear! I’m so nerdy about eating healthily when I’m pregnant.

For breakfast I’ll have Weetabix or Ready Brek or Just Right. I know this is gross, but you have to keep things moving while you’re pregnant. Lunch is maybe pitta bread or a sandwich with crisps, which is my weakness. I’d have anything in the sandwich; egg mayonnaise, turkey and cheese, smoked salmon and Philadelph­ia — you name it, anything I can get my hands on. I love making sandwiches and they’re always massive and kind of sore to bite.

At the moment I’m loving the new Denny deli- style 100 per cent natural ingredient­s ham for my sandwiches. It’s the only allnatural ham on the market and has just five ingredient­s; pork, sea salt, demerara sugar, natural flavouring and pork protein. It has become even more important to me as a mum to pay attention to the ingredient­s used in the products that I buy.

The only thing I don’t eat are oysters. I eat everything else. I love my food. I think another reason I haven’t put on as much weight this time is because I’m eating with Jack at around 5.30pm whereas in the olden days I was having a Chinese at 8pm. I’d eat anything for dinner — spaghetti bolognese, lasagne, chicken kiev and vegetables. I love cooking. I love trying out new recipes. My skin isn’t great while I’m pregnant as dark patches come up and I have to wear a lot of make-up to hide them. I used to be a sun worshipper and I regret it now. But I’m a healthy person for someone who’s unfit. I don’t go to the gym but I walk the pier in Dun Laoghaire twice a week. I am taking four to six weeks off maternity leave and then I’ll be back on the radio. I might bring the baby with me and it’s going to be a bit embarrassi­ng at work with the breastfeed­ing. I breastfed Jack for the first six weeks and he was an animal!

I’m lucky that I’m a very good sleeper and napper. Sleeping is a very important part of my life. Sleeping, food, television, radio and my family — and I’m happy.

AS TOLD to Patrice Harrington. See

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