Irish Daily Mail


Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist...


DEAR Linda, My gambling addiction has put me in debt, stolen my peace of mind, and left me lying to myself and others. I want to be free of this kind of life. I believe in angels and a higher power, and was wondering could a card reading give me a little direction. I would be very grateful for any bit of encouragem­ent, I can’t even bear to look at myself in the mirror and feel full of guilt and so worthless.


DEAR C, You have taken the first step toward healing — admitting to yourself that your life has become unmanageab­le through gambling. It’s now important to realise that you are not defined by this illness, which has taken away many aspects of your life, including your self-esteem. The fact that you want to be free of this problem is great progress in the right direction. There is lots of profession­al help available through the likes of Gamblers Anonymous and this is perhaps something that you will consider. The angels encourage us to co-create what we desire by taking the necessary steps to bring about what is for our higher good. They will never take our free will from us therefore co-creation is of the utmost importance. In order to heal our lives on all levels, physically as well as spirituall­y, we must accept total responsibi­lity and take the necessary steps to bring about that healing. YOU’VE been very hard on yourself lately, using harsh words verbally, mentally or both. While it’s healthy to hold yourself up to high standards, this card states that you’ve bordered on self-abuse. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s normal to feel regret occasional­ly. What’s important, however, is how you handle these mistakes. As you focus on your positive attributes, your selfesteem will increase and your stress levels will be diminished. Remember that guilt is the opposite of love — your guilt doesn’t help anyone or anything, but your divine love helps everyone, everywhere. Affirm out loud: ‘I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time and I now release all guilt completely. I love my true self, from top to bottom.’ YOU’RE venturing into an area where other people could assist you by offering you new ideas and informatio­n, as well as the benefit of their experience. To attract the right expert help, affirm: ‘A helpful, knowledgea­ble, experience­d person with integrity is in my life right now and this person will help me. This person comes to me easily and naturally, without delay.’ Remember its not a sign of weakness to ask for help — many of the world’s most wonderful inventions came from team efforts. By working with informed individual­s, you also develop the healthy habit of consulting with your celestial guides more consistent­ly. LET go of small thoughts and see yourself succeeding. In the past you have seen yourself as insignific­ant, but the angels ask you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiorit­y. Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavour you can dream about. Write down a list of your fears about moving forward, and then ‘drown’ those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water. Then take a cleansing shower, bath or swim. The water seals your new way of seeing yourself — as you are, equal to all other children of the creator.

DEAR Linda, My mother passed away more than a year ago and I am still having a hard time dealing with it. I am trying to have strength and courage, and not to feel so depressed, as I know my mother wouldn’t want me to feel sad. I do believe in the angels and life after death and would love any message the angels might have for me through a reading. Thanks and

To have Linda answer your question, please send your date of birth. The more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Readers’ dates of birth will not be published. Linda regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence but she intends to answer all letters. keep up the good work, you give hope and encouragem­ent to so many in despair. C.

DEAR C, Your belief in life after death and angels will see you through this difficult time. It’s still early days and grieving is a very individual experience — you can’t put a time limit on how long it takes. The first year is a very difficult one, rememberin­g birthdays and the first anniversar­y, etc. It’s important that you be gentle with yourself. Belief in life on the other side is a subject that has fascinated many people in recent years, along with an interest in angels, and there is much documented evidence to support the belief that both exist. All it takes is a little willingnes­s on our part and an open mind to understand that just because we cannot see or understand something, that it isn’t fact. It’s easy to have faith when everything is going well, but there are times in everyone’s life when we have to fly on instrument­s, just like a pilot making a landing in low visibility — he knows the ground is there, but he can’t see it and must trust instrument­s to navigate for him. Your mother may be out of your physical sight but has only slipped into another dimension and will always be by your side. THIS is a time of incubation, where nature can allow everything to grow in its innate rhythm. Be assured that the life changes about to occur will hatch at the right moment. In the meantime, know that the angels are watching over you and that you are safe and protected. This is a new phase of your life and it’s time to follow your true divine life purpose. NEW tranquilli­ty and a smoother road lie ahead. You have been through turmoil and your soul is tired. Your mind craves peace and quiet and Shanti is giving you new opportunit­ies to spend time alone to find peace of mind that will mirror your true divine nature. FROM here on in you can expect the best. The worst is now behind you and positive new experience­s are on the horizon. You’ve endured storms over rough seas but trust the changes occurring in and around you over the coming weeks will bring great blessings for you and those around you.

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