Irish Daily Mail

Beware of those bricks, Simon


SIMON COWELL isn’t alone in his terror of women armed with bricks (Mail). I had a similar experience when I was secretary of Queens Park Rangers back in the Seventies.

My job obliged me to go to court to defend our player, Stan Bowles, when a maintenanc­e order was awarded against him — which was several times his annual wages.

I appealed on the grounds that we couldn’t pay it without breaking football regulation­s and being thrown out of the League. When this was reported

You can’t ban children

WHAT an cold, icy country we have become! Some of the nation’s top restaurate­urs want to ban children from their establishm­ents (Mail).

Rarely have I been in a restaurant where children have caused so much trouble that it has ruined my night out. Children are children – and this needs to be borne in mind by diners as well as restaurant owners. It is in the press, for weeks on end I received mail from women all over the country attacking me for ‘snatching the food out of the mouths of Stan’s wife and children’.

One day I was about to leave the club when I was warned that a woman was hiding behind a wall at the main entrance — and she was armed with a brick. That day and for months afterwards, I left the stadium by a turnstile on the other side of the ground.

I advise Simon to adopt similar tactics.

RON PHILLIPS, via email. very rare families will be dining with children late at night anyway so what good would a ban be?

And, of course, the prices charged by top restaurant­s are so high I’d imagine the appearance of a child aged under five would be rarer than the average beef steak these days.

Yes, some children are horrors but surely their parents are at fault. Why not ban them instead and let children dine in peace?

JIMMY JOHNSON, via email.

 ??  ?? Safe: Simon Cowell in the happier company of BGT judge Alesha Dixon
Safe: Simon Cowell in the happier company of BGT judge Alesha Dixon
 ??  ??

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