Irish Daily Mail

The Constituti­onal Convention is for all


ENDA Kenny personally opposes samesex marriage. He said as much in an interview with this newspaper in 2007 and, considerin­g the lengths he has gone to in order to avoid media questions on the subject, we can only assume that he has not recanted in the meantime.

It is perfectly understand­able therefore that the gay and lesbian community should be somewhat suspicious of the Taoiseach’s intentions with regard to the make-up of the new Constituti­onal Convention, due at long last to be establishe­d next month.

But it is equally wrong of them to demand a place at the table and, by extension, to accuse Mr Kenny, in denying them such representa­tion, of discrimina­tion. This convention was never meant to be a committee on which special interests are represente­d as of right.

Instead, its members – some 33 politician­s and 66 ordinary members of the public – will be drawn from the broadest possible cross-section of Irish society.

Doubtless, in such a large body of people, there will be some gays and lesbians in their ranks. But presumably there will also be Catholics, Protestant­s, representa­tives of other religions and those who subscribe to no faith whatsoever. There will be some who take their lead from Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore and who favour same-sex marriages.

There will be others who share, with Mr Kenny and the Catholic hierarchy, the view that it is a bridge too far. Equally, in that broad cross-section of society, there will be widely differing views on a whole range of other Constituti­onal issues.

Special interest groups, such as the gay and lesbian community and the Catholic Church, will undoubtedl­y be invited to make submission­s. But when it comes to the convention’s own membership, Mr Kenny has adopted the right approach.

The Constituti­on is the cornerston­e of our State, embodying the fundamenta­l tenets to which we subscribe as a nation. Any proposed changes should be discussed in a spirit of harmony, not squabbled over by sectoral interests intent only on fighting their own corner.

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