Irish Daily Mail

Punch above your weight: the ultimate A-Z fitness plan


WHEN trying to achieve your weight-loss and fitness goals, you have a number of options: cardiovasc­ular workouts, a diet overhaul, light weights, heavy weights and machines. So it’s no wonder that it’s difficult to know what will work best for you.

However, my advice has always been the same: you need to choose the activity that you enjoy most. Some trainers may insist that their way is the only way — but this should always be discourage­d. Why? Because no one person is built the same and what works for someone may not work for you.

Whatever method suits your body and mind is the one you should embrace. By doing something that you enjoy you will stay healthy for longer — which is always my goal with a client.

Find what works best for you, make sure you enjoy it and the results will follow!


No matter what brand I try out, this is still my favourite choice of running shoe. After years of use, I find them hard to beat.


One of the classics — this is a tough, effective exercise for the whole body. Start in a press up position on the floor. Next, bring your knees into your chest, jump up to the ceiling and return back down to the original press up position. However, burpees should be avoided if you have back problems.


This is one of the three essential components to being fit and healthy. Cardio is any exercise that raises your heart rate and engages your lungs and the muscles of the body.


True detoxing takes time and determinat­ion. It often encourages you to eliminate certain foods in favour of liquids. However, even eliminatin­g coffee and replacing it with herbal teas or boiling water with lemon can do wonders for your skin and overall well-being.


To get results you have to put in the effort. As you get fitter, you’ll need to continue to challenge and push yourself. By doing this you will avoid hitting a frustratin­g plateau.


Too many people go through their day dehydrated. This will slow down your metabolism and reduce the amount of calories you burn throughout the day. Every person is different, but generally you should aim to drink two litres daily.


If you are walking, running, swimming or cycling and you want to keep track of what you are doing then you could make use of a GPS watch. This device will tell you how fast you are going and what distance you have covered. They’re not cheap — prices start from €100 and stretch to five or six times that figure for more complex models — so make sure to do your research.


Remember, no matter what method you use, staying healthy for life should always be your aim. Keep this in mind when you are thinking of doing the latest quick fix diet — will it help you stay healthy for life? Probably not.


These are tough but by adding intervals to your workouts you will burn more calories and improve your fitness levels fast. So use two speeds when you train: one fast and one slow. As you get fitter simply increase the amount of time spent in the fast pace and reduce the amount of time in the slow.


Juicing as part of an overall healthy eating plan can be beneficial. You can juice pretty much any vegetable or fruit to find a variety that you really like.


Although these weights have been around for almost 100 years, t hey have suddenly become very popular. The result is a tough workout — but the kettlebell will also deliver great results as part of a varied routine.


By sculpting the body with certain exercises for different body parts you can actually make your legs and arms look longer. This is one of the many reasons to keep resistance training as part of your exercise programme.


Pure protein diets, meal replacemen­t diets, magic fat absorbing tablets, large amounts of supplement­s — all of these are madness in my eyes. They are all short-term solutions that will only ever give you short-term results.


Set your goals, work towards them and never give up until you reach them. Make this commitment to yourself and you can achieve anything.


Too many Irish people are too negative, pulling people down when they are trying to achieve something. Make a point of cutting these people out of your life. Surround yourself with positive people, full of optimism and energy.


A few weeks ago, I gave you all the informatio­n you needed to ensure that you choose the right trainer. Shop around until you get the one who will get you the results you want in the way you want to do them.


Spending hours in the gym is counter productive — you can get plenty of work done in a short space of time. Your gym sessions should last no more than an hour — this is enough time to get everything done.


Often overlooked, rest is crucial to getting results. If your body feels tired then give it time to rest and heal, otherwise you risk overtraini­ng and muscle damage.


Don’t forget to stretch after your workout to cool the body down. You can also stretch before the session but ensure that you have a light warm-up done to avoid injury.


Quite a cool new piece of equipment that uses two straps to help you do lots of different exercises. Can be great for mixing up your training, but make sure to get instructio­ns on it as they can also be dangerous.


My favourite training gear — it’s becoming more popular i n Ireland. The right gear makes a huge difference when training as it keeps you cool and comfortabl­e.


Put aside some time tonight, close your eyes and think of where you see yourself in a year’s time, six months’ time or even sooner. Think of your goals and imagine how it is going to feel when you have achieved them, dream about it. This activates your subconscio­us mind to help you work towards your goals.


Still my favourite recommenda­tion for helping clients get results. Fast walking is one of the key exercises that will get you the results you want. For for best results, aim to walk at a pace of 6.5km an hour.


Set those goals, visualise it, put the work in and yes you can achieve it!


Still really popular, it provides a fun way to get fit and healthy in a group environmen­t.

 ??  ?? Strength: Finding an activity you love is key to keeping fit for life
Strength: Finding an activity you love is key to keeping fit for life
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