Irish Daily Mail



ASTROLOGER­S soon learn to be careful when making prediction­s. None of us likes to hear a statement about the future if it contradict­s a hope or belief. It is for this reason that I long since stopped forecastin­g the outcomes of football matches or elections. The supporters of the losing teams or candidates could never accept such prophecies. They’d simply interpret them as a gesture of support for the other side and would be angry with me for appearing to undermine them. Yet, ironically, I am ethically bound never to comment on matters that I hold strong views about.


Mar 21 — Apr 20

WHAT happens when you climb to the top of the mountain? First, you have to climb down again. Then find another to climb! All victories, no matter how triumphant, eventually become memories — as do all tragedies, no matter how upsetting. Recently, you had cause to celebrate. Now you can’t quite remember why it seemed so exciting. What did it mean? How did it feel? You will soon have an inspiring reminder — but only because you have another mountain to climb. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Apr 21 — May 21

HOW are your critical faculties? I don’t mean how sharp. You and I both know they are very sharp indeed. You can always find fault with things if you set your mind to it. But when we carry something sharp around, we have a duty to sheathe it safely, so it doesn’t cause accidental damage. Are you now expressing disapprova­l about a matter that you might be wiser not to comment on? Your mind is like a laser or a razor. Make sure you only apply it in the right way today. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


May 22 — June 22

WITHOUT a sense of perspectiv­e, none of us can see where we are going. We may be following a plan, we may be doing everything we think we should, but we need a sense of context. If one path is blocked and another is difficult to follow, you may be able to find an alternativ­e route to success. But this requires you to stand back from a situation that you are too closely caught up in. The most important thing you can do, today, is draw breath and take stock. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


June 23 — July 23

IN JAPAN, when people meet, they bow. In England, they shake hands. Australian­s are more prone to pat each other on the back and say: ‘G’day.’ Such gestures differ all around the world. But people take them seriously. If someone doesn’t offer the standard local greeting, they feel a little alienated. With all this in mind, let us look at a communicat­ion problem that appears to be presenting itself in your world. Might you simply need to find a better way to put someone else at ease today?

Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


July 24 — Aug 23

IF YOU tell someone about what is making you unhappy, won’t that make you vulnerable? Won’t they have sensitive informatio­n about you they could somehow use against you? It is a risk, but there is greater danger saying nothing. You deserve better understand­ing and support. That can only happen if you take someone into your confidence. Don’t worry about being thought of as a great complainer. Just explain your position gently and trustingly. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Aug 24 — Sep 23

HAVE you ever seen one of those sped-up films of a plant growing or a building being made? They are very inspiring but give a most misleading impression. In reality, things simply can’t happen as fast as that. If we sit around hoping and wishing that they could, we will simply become agitated and upset when it is clear that we are going to have to wait a whole lot longer. In many other areas of life now, you need to adjust some expectatio­ns. Stay hungry for change, but don’t be ravenous.

Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Sep 24 — Oct 23

IN AN ideal world, you would only ever love people truly worth loving. We would never develop an emotional tie to a person who did not value us as we valued them. So, perhaps this isn’t an ideal world. Perhaps some of us give our hearts too freely. Or, then again, perhaps not. People change. It can take them a while to do this. They don’t always change as much as we might wish they would or, indeed, as they might want to. But they can (and do) change, eventually.

Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Oct 24 — Nov 22

IN ADVERTISIN­G and marketing, the Holy Grail is ‘word of mouth’. Companies spend a fortune persuading people that a product or service is the best. But a recommenda­tion by a good friend will always count for far more than the endorsemen­t of a celebrity. Similarly, if the folk around us all think badly about someone or something, we will feel strongly inclined to take the same view. What popular myth might you now be helping to create? Are you sure it is wellfounde­d?

Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Nov 23 — Dec 21

HOW much love is in your heart? We may as well ask how much water there is in the ocean. Just as a ship will never run out of sea to sail on, there is no chance you will wake up one morning and discover you no longer care. To reach such a state of detachment, you would have to make a great conscious effort and become deeply determined to withdraw all that you feel. The same is true of everyone else. Don’t be insecure today. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Dec 22 — Jan 20

WE ALL feel frustrated when we set out on a short journey and discover it has turned into a long trek. We wonder what kind of a mistake we have made or why we are being punished by such impediment and delay. But perhaps the only error was the assessment of a time frame that we should have allowed for. You started a process long ago. You feel that it really should have been completed by now. It is only taking as long as it needs to take. Relax. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Jan 21 — Feb 19

SLOWLY but surely you are gaining insights into matters that have long perplexed you. You are starting to see how, in your haste to resolve a problem or meet a need, you may have inadverten­tly delayed what might have been a simple process. As confusion clears, you should now allow for the possibilit­y you still have big lessons to learn. That is all the more reason to start taking more time before you implement your next set of big decisions. Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, four-minute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611.


Feb 20 — Mar 20

A SCIENTIST called Pavlov once ran an experiment with some dogs. Shortly before feeding them, he rang a bell. The animals came to associate the noise with dinner. He proved this by ringing a bell and then giving them nothing to eat. It was clear they had started to salivate. We all have mental and emotional links and triggers. Things people say, or situations we encounter, create unconsciou­s expectatio­ns. Be wary of a potentiall­y misleading link today.

Now, please keep reading. I’ve recorded a very special, fourminute forecast covering the biggest issues facing you now. For important, inspiring news, call 1550 511 611. Calls cost 95c per minute. Mobile rates vary (Technical helpdesk: 0044 800 138 9789). If you’d like to hear your spoken forecasts without adding

to your phone bill, you can now pay a small monthly subscripti­on and then call a FREEPHONE number. For details, visit

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