Irish Daily Mail

Don’t sweat it! M&S invents the suit that takes on BO

- By Darragh Murphy

WE MAY not currently have the weather for it but men who are working up a sweat in their suits and are worried about body odours may have found a solution thanks to Marks & Spencer.

The retailer’s new formal attire is fitted with innovative patches that absorb any nasty molecules and will go on sale here from next week onwards.

The hi-tech nanoporous patches – sewn into the underarms of M&S’s latest suits and blazers – stop unpleasant smells. According to the developer of the new material, Odegon Technologi­es, the patches are made of a highly absorbent mesh containing tiny fibres that soak up and trap molecules that cause body odour, which are later flushed out when the suit is cleaned.

The mesh would cover a tennis court if stretched out and the so-called DeoTag patches remain effective even after many cleanings.

The nanotechno­logy is used in the M&S Man Superlites­uit, €245, and M&S Man Performanc­e blazer.

A spokesman for Odegon said: ‘The tailoring offers consumers a unique solution to unwanted smells in the summer weather, and as such, could reduce dry cleaning costs and prolong the life of the garment.’

While the material is only just hitting the shops now, it has had a life-saving use for decades.

In the Second World War, when chemical attacks were feared, it was patented by Britain’s Ministry of Defence for use in gas masks. The material can absorb and neutralise harmful nerve gas, and has been used in chemical, biological, radiologic­al and nuclear suits and gas masks since 1942.

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