Irish Daily Mail

Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


LINDA MOONEY is a leading angel therapy practition­er with ten years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue, an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy, helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4

QUESTION: DEAR Linda, I am writing for help because I am having a lot of trouble with land, which goes back many years. The situation is making me very stressed, since I also have mounting financial problems. M

ANSWER: DEAR M, OUR prosperity consciousn­ess is not dependent on money — rather, our flow of money is dependent upon our prosperity consciousn­ess. When we conceive lack and scarcity, that is what we get more of. As you conceive of more, more will come into your life. You must ask yourself, is the trouble you are having over land depriving you of happiness and the meaning of life? If the answer is yes then recognisin­g that this has widereachi­ng consequenc­es will guide you to taking steps to compromise. Find more meaning and pleasure rather than how money and possession­s can serve.


THIS is an abundant universe, filled with more than enough for everyone. Yet the energy format of this planet is about polarities. In this instance, it’s about giving and receiving — the key is to balance the two. If you only give you will feel drained, resentful and experience lack. If you only receive, you won’t enjoy what you have. Balance comes from fearlessly giving as you’re guided, then receiving with joy and gratitude. It’s like breathing — both the inhale and exhale are identicall­y important. Practice giving and receiving daily.


‘THIS is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas, and give birth to new ideas.’ Springtime is any time when the light increases within your mind and entire system. If you feel dark, heavy or depressed, then you can lighten up by fuelling yourself with positive intentions, nutritious foods and anything that sparks your feelings of love. Surround yourself with beautiful flowers, brighten the colours of your wardrobe and home, and draw back the curtains to let in natural light. You can paint a sunnier outlook within yourself which will give rise to all sorts of opportunit­ies, since like attracts like. Feel more energised and powerful as you spruce up your inner world and outer worlds, then capitalise on this increased vigour by starting a new project that really makes your heart sing with excitement


ANOTHER definition for fairness is when all parties involved surrender their personal agendas in favour of the greater good for the entirety of the group. This requires trust in the wisdom of the whole. When it comes to matters of disputes, the attacks are based on fears that you may not receive your share. Yet, attacks amplify the hurt and pain that caused the dispute in the first place. Why not surrender your attachment to a specific outcome and instead direct your holy will toward the resolution of the argument? Hold a firm vision of a peaceful outcome, and let the pieces fall into place in a harmonious manner. Keep everyone’s needs in mind during negotiatio­ns. Release guilt and shame, as these emotions can attract a punishing attack.

To have Linda answer your question, please send your date of birth. The more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Readers’ dates of birth will not be published. Linda regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence but she intends to answer all letters.

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