Irish Daily Mail

A back injury? But he went back bowling!

- By Georgina O’Halloran

A JUDGE has thrown out a damages claim by the father of reality TV star Kelly Mongan – after it emerged his alleged back injuries did not stop him becoming a bowling champion.

Timothy McDonagh, father of Voice of Ireland contestant Kelly, had sued for damages over a car accident in Co Cork in November 19, 2011.

However Judge Petria McDonnell dismissed his compensati­on claim, saying: ‘He seems to have gone back to bowling. I don’t award him any damages.’

The judge added: ‘This was a minor tip. If people are going to seek damages, injuries have to be proportion­ate,’ she said.

She also dismissed his son Arthur’s claim and said he was back bowling and winning prizes.

The court heard garda evidence of how Mr Stokes had refused to get out of the car followi ng the crash. Garda Brian Murphy said it was a ‘minor impact’ but afterwards the roof of the people carrier had to be cut off so the emergency services could attend to Mr Stokes, who complained of neck and back pain, the court heard.

Garda Murphy, who attended the scene, told the court he was of the opinion there were no injuries. The judge also told the court she did not think it was necessary for him to stay in the car or for the roof to have been taken off.

The judge noted McDonagh had complained of back pain, which persisted for 13 or 14 months, but it emerged he had a previous neck and spine injury.

The court heard Mr McDonagh was involved in a previous road accident in 2007 in which he suf- fered neck injuries. He received €16,000 in compensati­on.

Mr McDonagh was asked in court if he remembered competing in a road bowling contest at Carrignava­r on January 21, 2013 which he won.

‘I’m not sure. I’ve ten kids,’ said Mr McDonagh.

His daughter Kelly, 20, was the favourite to win The Voice of Ireland last year, but was beaten by fellow Cork singer Keith Hanley.

The young woman was pregnant during the competitio­n.

Mr McDonagh from The Bungalow, Rahilly Row, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Kelly’s father, was one of six people who took civil actions in separate cases at Mallow Circuit Court for damages arising out of the car crash on November 19, 2011.

All of the plaintiffs were travelling in a people carrier which was involved in an accident with a car driven by Colin Healy of Ceol Na Nean, Mallow. Co. Cork, who did not attend court yesterday.

Mary Dinan, of Forrest View, Gouldhill, had seven passengers in her people carrier when the collision occurred at Fitz’s Boreen on the north side of Cork city in the early hours of the morning, the court heard.

They included her husband Patrick, who was a front seat passenger, her brother Gerard Stokes, Timothy McDonagh and his son Arthur. All the passengers iexcept Mrs Dinan and another woman had consumed alcohol.

The judge awarded Mrs Dinan €500 for stress and her husband Patrick €300 for stress. She also awarded them €2,400 for the loss of the car.

 ??  ?? Family: Timothy, with daughter
Kelly, right
Family: Timothy, with daughter Kelly, right

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