Irish Daily Mail

Jen: I want the body of Gisele but I’d eat nachos off the floor


HER hairstyle was once the world’s most coveted, but Jennifer Aniston wants Gisele Bundchen’s figure. The actress has had a rather successful career spanning over two decades and is engaged to Justin Theroux.

But Jen said that she would love to have the model’s figure instead of her own for 24 hours.

The Friends star said: ‘I’d love to be able to ski like a crazy person, like Lindsey Vonn. Then I’d also like to have Gisele’s body, just ’cause, why not?’

Actress Jen is widely known for her healthy diet and slender physique.

However, the Horrible Bosses star does allow herself the odd treat – she confesses to a secret weakness for nachos.

Jennifer said: ‘ The food I love so much that if I dropped it on the floor, I’d eat it anyway, is a nacho.’

She explained: ‘I fry the chips myself. Just take a tortilla, cut it into triangles, and throw ’ em in coconut oil.’

The 45- year- old has also said that she tries to set aside time every day to work out.

‘ I get up and allow 40 minutes to work out every day: cross- training with sit-ups, running, weights,’ she said. How- ever, Jen doesn’t have any hangups about being a bit more shapely at times.

She said: ‘I had a knee injury, so I’m not at my fighting- shape weight, which is fine. It’s nice to be a little curvier sometimes.’ And while a host of her fellow stars are now keen social media users, the actress said she is not a fan of the selfie trend.

Jennifer said: ‘I don’t have Instagram. And I’m not a fan of selfies.

‘I don’t understand them. I feel like there’s enough out there, why add to it?’ The Office Space actress has four films coming up in the next two years, including the sequel to 2011 comedy Horrible Bosses.

Horrible Bosses 2 has an all - star cast including Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, Christoph Waltz and Kevin Spacey.

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