Irish Daily Mail

Sorry, but you can’t say Yes, minister

- By Kevin Keane

EQUALITY Minister Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has labelled as a ‘distractio­n’ an online storm which followed his wearing of a ‘Yes’ pin in favour of marriage equality on RTÉ television.

The Labour junior minister was asked in a live broadcast to remove the rainbow pin, which advocated a Yes vote in the May 22 referendum on same- sex marriage.

The request came as a result of strict broadcasti­ng rules on impartiali­ty on television and radio.

During an interview on RTÉ’s Saturday Night Show about Mr Ó Ríordáin’s new role as drugs minister, host Brendan O’Connor told him: ‘Can you take off that pin, The pin you’re wearing on your collar?’

As he put the pin in his jacket pocket, the TD remarked: ‘It’s a Yes pin.’

‘You just made it worse,’ O’Connor replied, before adding: ‘I am going to say No. Every time you say Yes I am going to say No.’

Under BAI rules, RTÉ like all broadcaste­rs has to be ‘ f air, balanced and impartial’ in its coverage of the referendum debate.

But most viewers f ound Mr O’Connor’s interventi­on a step too f ar as the hashtag # PinGate became one of the most popular terms on Twitter.

‘Roll on May 23rd – this is just silly,’ Today FM DJ Ian Dempsey tweeted.

Fellow broadcaste­r Ruairi Carroll said: ‘#pingate was a bit cackhanded, but don’t blame RTÉ, it’s all to do with broadcasti­ng rules.’

Following the i nterview Mr Ó Ríordáin asked his followers: ‘Anyone have a spare Yes pin?

‘Gave mine away & need it for Marriage Equality rally with @lgbtNOISE in Merrion Sq.’

By yesterday afternoon however, he seemed to have moved on. ‘Time to focus. Talk of #pingate & poster photos are distractio­ns. We can’t win this without VOTES. Only 12 days left,’ he tweeted.

Last year, O’Connor’s show was at the centre of a controvers­y when gay rights activist Rory O’Neill made comments during a discussion about homophobia.

Iona Institute member Breda O’Brien later confirmed she sought damages from RTÉ.

Last month, she said she wanted to debate the merits of the referendum with O’Neill while he was in his guise as drag queen Panti Bliss. Reports yesterday said Ms O’Brien had backed down from her offer, saying she had a ‘very bad case of bronchitis’.

RTÉ has to obey impartiali­ty rules

 ??  ?? Proud: Aodhán Ó Ríordáin on RTÉ with his Yes pin, circled, on Saturday night
Proud: Aodhán Ó Ríordáin on RTÉ with his Yes pin, circled, on Saturday night
 ??  ?? Yes, I’ll remove it: Mr Ó Ríordáin takes off the pin
Yes, I’ll remove it: Mr Ó Ríordáin takes off the pin

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