Irish Daily Mail



THIS classic baked dish, known as clafoutis, normally uses black cherries, but you can adapt it to use pretty much any soft fruit in season (see variation). Slightly sourer cherries will provide a lovely contrast to the creamy batter. You will need a 1-1.25 litre (1¾-2pt) ovenproof dish, 3-4cm (1¼-1½in) deep. Serves 4

350-400g (12-14oz) sweet black or red cherries 4 tbsp Kirsch ½ a vanilla pod 150ml (¼pt) whole milk 100ml (3½fl oz) double cream 4 eggs 120-140g (4½oz-5oz) caster sugar, to taste, plus extra to sprinkle 20g (1oz) plain flour Pinch of salt 10g (¼oz) butter, to grease Heat the oven to 180c/fan 160c/ gas mark 4. Remove the stones from the cherries using a cherry or olive stoner. Place the cherries in a bowl and sprinkle over the Kirsch. Split the half vanilla pod lengthways and put it into a small saucepan with the milk and cream. Bring to scalding point, then remove the pan from the heat and set aside to infuse for at least ten minutes. Put the eggs and sugar into a medium bowl and whisk until the mixture is light and creamy. Add the flour and salt and whisk again until smooth. Remove the vanilla pod from the milk and scrape the seeds back into the milk. Strain the infused milk onto the egg mixture and whisk well. Use the butter to grease the ovenproof dish and sprinkle it with caster sugar. Scatter the cherries over the bottom of the dish, discarding the remaining Kirsch, then pour over the batter. Cook in the middle of the oven for 50-60 minutes. The clafoutis should be slightly risen and browning round the edges, but although set, the mixture will still be a little softer in the centre. Sprinkle with caster sugar and serve with a cherry compote, clotted cream, or both.

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