Irish Daily Mail

There’s nothing that harms me but little that will help me either


LANDLORD Eugene McCann, 65, has been in business for 45 years. He has seven properties – flats, apartments and three houses in the capital as well as outside it – with 20 tenants. ‘If the business pays, it’s very little. Where’s the sky- high rents?’ he said. ‘According to all the reports, rents only went up by between 7 per cent and 9 per cent this year. I don’t know how anyone can classify that as being extravagan­t, bearing in mind that in 2008 rents dropped 30 per cent when the crash happened. ‘As far as I’m concerned there is a housing shortage both for selling and letting and the only people providing accommodat­ion at the moment are the private landlords.

‘Everybody is entitled to the market rent for their product.

‘When the farmers weren’t obtaining fair prices for their land rent and their animals the minister stepped in. Land is letting for €400 an acre. There is no restrictio­n on office accommodat­ion, no penalties being imposed, the landlords have been treated terribly by all the Government­s.’

Before the Budget, he said he would ‘like to see certainty of payment, the cap removed. And would like to see out-of-pocket expenses allowed as a business expense such as the local property tax, PRSI on rent, the social service charge.

‘Anybody that lets any type of property can claim business expenses against it but the landlords can’t.

‘Instead of penalising landlords, if there were a number of incentives introduced, private enterprise would take up the slack. The first opportunit­y I get, I will be off-loading property and start moving out of the business, certainly. It’s a shame, because it’s not viable any more.

‘The PRTB needs reform. It takes two years to get a tenant out.’

He also hoped for ‘more support for landlords, we’re the only ones providing any type of accommodat­ion. Strictly speaking, it’s not the function of private landlords to provide social housing. That’s the responsibi­lity of the Government and local authoritie­s.

‘I would like to see more tax incentives and less red tape.’

When the Budget was finally announced, Mr McCann said: ‘There didn’t seem to be much that will affect me. There was nothing to encourage property owners to increase their volume of units to let, which would have been a help in view of the shortage of accommodat­ion at the moment.

‘It didn’t seem to affect the property owners and landlords at all, there was no benefit there to them.

‘I’m not disappoint­ed but I wouldn’t be jumping for joy. There’s nothing that will harm me, but nothing that will help me. I’m pretty neutral about it.’

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