Irish Daily Mail

It was fair – everyone got a slice of the cake this year


MOTHER-of-three and pensioner Mary McHugh Harvey has welcomed the €3-a-week boost to the State pension as well as the increases in fuel allowance and the Christmas bonus .

She revealed she was also happy with the announceme­nt that there will be €940million in funding going towards the Fair Deal nursing scheme and the news that children will be able to avail of free childcare from the age of three.

But she added: ‘There were so many cuts in the last few years, it feels like we’ve been made to pay out in so many other ways, no matter how they dress it up.

‘I found the cut to the fuel allowance last year particular­ly hard, I use an open fire and oil heating. I find it gets very cold overnight and first thing in the morning and from 5pm each evening, you really need to have the heat on.

‘So I suppose the extra €2.50 a week is to be welcomed.’

She continued: ‘I’m very happy with the increase in the Christmas bonus. When it went up by a quarter last year I didn’t even notice, it didn’t really make much of a differ- ence, but this year should be better.

‘I have seven grandchild­ren, aged from 14 years down to three. You can’t really explain to them that your bonus has been cut. Christmas is just Christmas to them.’

‘I’m delighted with the announceme­nt of the money allocated to the Fair Deal Nursing Home Scheme,’ she added. ‘I know that for families who need it, it can cause huge trauma. And being elderly myself, although it’s the last thing you want to think about, it’s something I’m aware of.

‘I’m also delighted to hear about the free pre- school education for young children. I was a working mother but only worked part time as a carer because I needed to be there for the kids. I think things are so much more difficult for working parents today.

‘Rents and mortgages are so high, there’s often no choice but for both of them to work full time.

‘For me personally I feel it has been a fair budget, it seems like everyone got a slice of the cake and we (pensioners) got our slice. I really do feel there’s a better energy out there, a feeling of optimism among the young people that I know.

‘They feel like they can start to do things for themselves.

‘It’s important to me that everyone is treated fairly and as equally as possible so I hope everyone feels the benefits from this Budget. It’s about time we got a bit of a break. As for myself, I’ll probably celebrate by getting an extra fire log or two with that fuel allowance increase!’

‘It’s about time we got a bit of a break’

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