Irish Daily Mail



Bitter Seville oranges are in season right now and make the perfect marmalade.

(MAKES 12 TO 14 POTS, BUT THE QUANTITIES CAN BE HALVED EASILY) 1.4kg Seville oranges 2 lemons 3.4 litres water 2.7kg sugar Wash the oranges and lemons, cut them in half and juice them. Collect the pips and pulp into a muslin bag. Chop or mince the orange and lemon peels and put into a large saucepan with the water and juice. Tie up the muslin bag and add to the rest. Leave overnight. Have 14 very clean glass jars ready on a baking tray (and jam pot covers too, of course). Bring the mixture to the boil and simmer for about 2 hours until the peel is soft. This is important as it will not soften further after the sugar goes in. The liquid will have reduced by about half at this stage. Take out the muslin bag and squeeze it between two plates to get out all the pectin. Put a saucer in the freezer. Add the sugar and stir until all of it has dissolved and then bring to the boil. Boil rapidly for about 15 minutes and test for the setting point. Take the saucer out of the freezer and put about a tea spoonful of marmalade from the pot onto it and leave it to cool in the fridge for a minute or two. When it is cool push the edge of the marmalade with your finger and if the surface wrinkles it is set. Meanwhile, put the pots into the oven at 140˚C, gas mark 1 to sterilise Stir in a knob of butter to disperse the froth and take the marmalde off the heat and leave to cool for 15 minutes. Use a small heat proof jug to fill the hot jam pots and cover with waxed discs, smooth side down. Wipe the jars and cover with damp cellophane held in place with rubber bands. Leave to cool and store in a cool dry larder.

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