Irish Daily Mail

weekend bites


THIS week I’ll be eating… pomegranat­e. This exotic fruit from the Middle East has a sweet-and-sour liveliness that adds a lot to salads. You cut it in two and then rub out and separate the seeds in their little sack of pink juice. Particular­ly delicious with duck and oily fish like mackerel.

THE West Waterford FestivalF of Food takes place from April 15 to 17, the highlight being thet pop-up by Irish chef Robin Gill at The Tannery. He wowed London with his cooking at The Dairy in Clapham, to which has now been added his Paradise Garage in Bethnal Green. Westwaterf­ordfestiva­

GROW It Yourself Ireland launched a scheme for schools during the week. In associatio­n with Innocent, the smoothie people, they are sending seeds and growing kits to national schools throughout the country. Children are encouraged to keep a growing blog online. The most engaged school will win a trip to Dublin Zoo and €500 worth of gardening equipment.

DEVONSHIRE Day at Lismore Castle, Co. Waterford,d, offers the chance to enjoy a Devonshire clotted cream tea, served by the Duke of Devonshire’s butler, Denis Nevin, followedd by tours of the grounds – which include the country’s only Jacobean garden – on March 20.20 Tickets are €20 and in aid of the annual Immrama Festival of Travel Writing in the town. Phone: 058 53803. lismoreimm­rama

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