Irish Daily Mail



This is a great way of ‘re-purposing’ left-over mashed potato, even if you need to start the day before. The volume of water needed depends on how wet the mashed potatoes are.

1 level tsp dried yeast pinch of sugar 175 ml tepid water (approx) 1 tsp salt 330g 165 g/6 oz strong white flour 165g fine whole wheat flour

Put the yeast into a cup with the sugar and cover with some of the tepid water. Keep warm for the yeast to froth up (about an hour).

Put the mashed potato into a mixing bowl and sift in the flours, adding the bran that remains in the seive. Rub the potato through the flours and add the yeast.

Refill the cup with some of the tepid water, add the salt, dissolve and pour into the mixing bowl. Either mix by hand or in a mixer with a dough hook, adding enough water to make a soft dough.

Keep keading till the dough is smooth and springy. Form the dough into a ball and smear it with oil. Cover the bowl and leave it overnight in the fridge to prove.

Then let it come to room temperatur­e for 45 minutes. Sprinkle a work surface with flour and empty out the dough onto the flour. Give the dough a gentle knead adding enough flour to stop it sticking. Gently flatten the dough untill it is 2cm thick. Cut out with a 7cm scone cutter and place the dough circles onto a baking sheet dusted with flour and cover them with a tea towel.

Set the oven to GM 7, 220˚C, 425˚F. Put the baking sheet with the dough circles on top to the cooker while it heats up for 15-20 minutes. When the oven is hot and the scones are rising put them into the oven to cook for 20 minutes. They should be browned on top and sound hollow when turned over and tapped on the bottom.

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