Irish Daily Mail


Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4


I AM, and always have been a very independen­t person. Recently I fell ill, and although I have always been there both for family and friends alike in their time of need, I feel very let down and upset.

Despite knowing I was unwell none of the people I expected to be there for me actually were. My only daughter did visit, and while I am aware that she has four young children and I support her several times a week both with the children and housework, she only called once and never phoned to see how I was doing. Her Dad died many years ago and I am alone. Also, friends that I support on a regular basis didn’t make much of an effort. I don’t want to fall out with anyone but am gutted and angry over the situation. I’m not sure of the root cause of the matter, whether I am becoming more aware of heading into old age, or feeling that no one notices the support and help I offer them when they are down. What are your thoughts on the matter?


Dear F. IT IS very natural for you to feel let down and upset, while feeling your time and energy is taken for granted. A number of things strike me here. Firstly you state that you are, and always have been an independen­t person. Perhaps up until now you have not made it clear that you need to receive help also. Secondly, if you regularly give your daughter the support and help you say, several times a week, is it that she is only now picking up the slack of your not being there to offer your help recently? Thirdly, friends not making an effort — that can be a tough one especially if you are always there for them. However, there is a big lesson to be learned here. It is of vital importance to continue to be independen­t and your own needs are just as important, especially heading into your older years, as those of loved ones. You own needs must, for the near future, come first.


YOU’RE a giver, and you help others in so many ways. Most of the time you truly enjoy giving. So, when you let others give to you, they experience the joy of giving. You give them a gift each time you are a gracious receiver. By receiving you replenish yourself and balance the male and female energies within and around you. By allowing yourself to receive, you swim in the flow of life, which washes away stagnant energy, bringing in new forms of abundance, creative ideas and all types of opportunit­ies. Even the simplest act of receiving is healing, and it is a powerful step in the manifestat­ion process.


FOCUS on your highest priorities, the angels will help you get organised and motivated. What’s your calling? What makes your heart sing? When you focus on these areas, your joyful energy increases, which benefits everyone. Take charge of your schedule, and spend more time on projects and activities close to your heart. Make choices that honour your priorities and support your life’s mission.


THE worst is now behind you and you’re surmountin­g any previous challenges. The challenges you have faced have made you stronger and have taught you new lessons. Instead of becoming bitter, you’ve opened your heart with compassion towards people in similar situations. You’ve let go of any blame or feelings of victimhood. This is why you’re now overcoming your previous challenges.

Your positive outlook is attracting a loving solution and new situations at a higher level of spiritual understand­ing. Stay positive!

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