Irish Daily Mail


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YESTERDAY Jupiter formed a trine with Pluto. A trine is a 120-degree angle, traditiona­lly seen in astrology to be a positive, sympatheti­c relationsh­ip. It doesn’t usually bring the challenges that accelerate personal growth, but we can all do with a free ride now and then! It’s the third and final time this has happened since 2015 and the last time this angle will be made for eight years. With it comes a boost to our ability to influence. This can be especially powerful when aligned with altruistic motives.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

‘WHEN you know how to do something, you can confidentl­y apply yourself to the task. When you don’t, life becomes a ride on a roller coaster of learning curves.’ Jonathan’s words apply for you today: ‘It is now as if you are having to find your way through unfamiliar territory without the benefit of a map. No wonder you hanker for a guide or, at least, a satnav. But you have a compass and you also know, without doubt, in exactly which direction your destinatio­n lies. That, plus a little wit and resourcefu­lness, is all you require.’ Get more out of your week. In your latest, in-depth four-minute forecast, there is encouragin­g news. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOU feel as if something or someone is holding you back. Take a long, hard look at it. Now imagine it wearing a frilly pink tutu. Not so intimidati­ng now is it? Unless, of course, you’re being held back by a particular­ly forceful ballet dancer, in which case this analogy was probably not all that helpful. But for those of us who aren’t auditionin­g for a dance troupe it may help to illustrate the power of positive thinking. Your mind is a powerful tool. Used correctly there’s nothing it can’t build, fix, or if really required, demolish. Put it to work. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. Your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast reveals inspiring news. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

PATIENT: ‘Doctor, doctor I feel like an open door.’ Doctor: ‘Oh dear, that can’t be good.’ Patient: ‘Actually, I can’t knock it.’ Perhaps the easiest thing to predict today is the groan of derision this joke will elicit. But bear with me, there’s more to it than first appears. It raises the question, why is this person at the doctor’s at all, if they are not affected by this affliction? And why are you worried about a certain situation that actually has a very positive prognosis? Just because something feels different, doesn’t mean it’s a symptom of disaster. Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions! In your latest forecast, you’ll discover something very helpful. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

‘SOMETIMES it seems as if the world is full of people who are busily trying to persuade themselves that the impossible is possible. They believe that the oblique obviates the obvious. They forfeit the feasible in favour of the far-fetched.’ Jonathan wrote these words that are apt for you today. ‘This is never what they say they’re doing. They have complicate­d arguments to make it sound sensible. This week, clear a path through the forest of fallacy with the scythe of certainty. Don’t get too distracted by doubt.’ Auspicious alignments insist good times must come soon. Learn more in your latest in-depth forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

CHIMPANZEE alpha males have mating privileges with the females. Some rule out of fear, subjugatin­g their cartload (the collective noun for chimpanzee­s) to their whims. Others display kindness during their turn at the top. Research has shown that this is remembered fondly and that some females will even continue to mate with an ousted male in secret. Benevolenc­e thus influences genetics. You currently have the opportunit­y to exercise your power and make important changes. Act with grace and you won’t have any regrets. Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrologic­al assets in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

‘YOU are doing something incredible. How could anyone else on this planet take on what you have? How would they handle such a unique set of circumstan­ces? You think they wouldn’t find them exhausting too? Do you imagine that somehow, they would make a better job of it than you? Don’t kid yourself. You are brave and brilliant.’ Jonathan’s words for you today: ‘You may struggle, but you survive! Never mind the odd step back that you must inevitably take; what is impressive are the many steps you have already made.’ Nothing is hopeless. If you want good news, call now for your latest, in-depth four-minute forecast: 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

AMBITION is a strange beast. Sometimes our dreams for the future can be sabotaged by too much of it. Yet without at least a small amount, the future we desire may remain forever out of reach. Ambition tempered with realism is a powerful tool. Dreams based in reality more easily come true. Today the planets’ alignments can help make even the most outlandish idea seem less than far-fetched. Your imaginatio­n can be fertile ground for seeds of progress. Separate fact from fantasy and you’ll have the blueprint for success. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! There is good news in your latest, in-depth forecast. Call 1550 511 611.


Oct 24 — Nov 22

SOMETIMES the phrase ‘bee in a bonnet’ is not an accurate enough descriptio­n. ‘Hornet in a helmet’ might be more apt. This is not to suggest that you’re filled with uncontroll­able rage but there may well be an injustice that you desire to see corrected. A cause that you feel the urge to champion. Pity the poor sandcastle that stands before this wave. You will soon feel the effects of a new multi-gigawatt power station connecting to your grid. With this added charge, your prospects are electrifyi­ng. Now is the time to put a plan into action. Curious to know more? There is heart-warming news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

PERSONAL reward is rarely the motivation behind our greatest leaps forward. The first astronauts did not enter space because they wanted to become rich and famous. Neil Armstrong famously shunned the limelight after becoming the Moon’s first human visitor. But that doesn’t mean that some improvemen­t to our circumstan­ces isn’t a welcome by-product of success! The path to progress is being cleared of obstacles. With a pure heart and positive attitude, you will soon find yourself handsomely rewarded. Don’t fear the future. Understand it, embrace it...even change it if you wish. Learn how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

OTHER people get in the way. They voice objections, poke holes in plans, sow doubt and discord when strength and solidarity is required. But any great endeavour needs many hands to see it built – and you certainly are on a path to greatness. Try not to be too resentful of those who challenge you on this journey. Their feelings ought to be addressed, their queries deserve answers. Few are capable of the vision and purpose you now exhibit. Show that you care for their concerns and you’ll soon gain valuable allies. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

‘WHEN I tell some people not to be superstiti­ous, I raise eyebrows. Isn’t astrology itself a kind of superstiti­on? Well, actually, no! But let’s leave that debate for another time. Suffice to say, for now, you need to be careful about reading too much into some of the signs you come across.’ Jonathan’s words are apposite for you today. ‘It may look as if your prospects for progress with a challenge bode ill. But trouble in one area of your world does not mean you need assume that it will crop up in another area too.’ Success is a matter of attitude. And timing. Get help with both in your four-minute forecast. Change everything. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

HAVE you ever had a lucid dream? These are moments when we realise that we are dreaming yet remain asleep. While wandering in a land created by our imaginatio­ns, we become aware that ‘real-life’ limitation­s no longer exist. This can be a powerful experience. Purely by focusing our thoughts we can manifest anything we desire and make any possibilit­y become, in this dream world, a reality. Apply a little lucid dream logic to your real-life situation. You may yet conjure up a surprising­ly beautiful solution. Live your life to the full. There is helpful advice and pleasing news in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

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