Irish Daily Mail

50ft taller than iceberg that sank Titanic, Canada’s floating colossus

- By George Odling

TOWERING over the waves like an ice colossus, it dwarfs the remote Newfoundla­nd town below.

And this enormous iceberg, one of the first of the season to float into ‘iceberg alley,’ has turned the small town of Ferryland into a tourist magnet.

Photograph­ers, both amateur and profession­al, caused traffic jams along the Southern Shore highway over Easter weekend as hundreds jostled to see the hulking mountain of ice.

The area of Canada’s east coast by Newfoundla­nd and Labrador is known as Iceberg Alley due to the large number of the 10,000-yearold glacial giants that drift down from the arctic each spring.

And the iceberg just outside Ferryland is thought to be about 150ft high, more than 50ft higher than the one the Titanic struck in 1912.

‘It’s the biggest one I have ever seen around here,’ Ferryland mayor Aidan Kavanagh told the Canadian Press.

‘It’s a huge iceberg and it’s in so close that people can get a good photograph of it.’

Most of the icebergs float past the coast, but this one appears to have become grounded in the shallow water, the mayor added.

Typically 90 per cent of an iceberg’s mass is underwater, with just the tip protruding above the surface, meaning many run aground and are locked in place when they drift into shallow water towards the coast.

This is good news for the town’s tour operators, skipper at Iceberg Quest Ocean Tours Barry Rogers told CBC News, with business booming because of the ice giant.

‘When they come in along the shoreline, and go grounded, we are very happy about that,’ he said. As many as 616 icebergs have moved into the shipping lanes so far this year, compared to 687 in

‘It’s the biggest one I’ve seen’

the whole of 2016. Strong anticlockw­ise winds and the effects of global warming are being blamed for the high numbers, as chunks of the Greenland ice sheet have been breaking off at a quicker rate.

Icebergs are so plentiful around Newfoundla­nd that Canadians make their own spirits with chunks of them – Iceberg Vodka, Iceberg Gin and Iceberg Rum, as well as Iceberg Beer.

The best time to spot the icebergs is during spring and early summer, with tourists flocking every season to take boat tours and kayaks to view the frozen mountains.

Thousands of humpback whales and millions of seabirds also migrate north through Iceberg Alley at the same time of year.

 ??  ?? Just passing through: The iceberg got stuck in shallow water
Just passing through: The iceberg got stuck in shallow water

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