Irish Daily Mail


The women so keen to stay slim they pop a sleeping pill and turn in at 7pm. But at what price to their health?

- By Angela Epstein

‘I could get rest and keep out of temptation’s way’

THE DAY had been long and exhausting. The kind that makes sinking into the sofa with a large glass of wine and a bowl of crisps seem especially inviting. But with a petite frame that emphasises every extra pound, Suzanne Showman knows there’s only one way to head off the temptation of the evening munchies. And that’s to have an early night.

Not that Suzanne leaves sleep to chance. Far from it. To counter the possibilit­y of tossing and turning — and, even worse, getting out of bed hungry and coming back downstairs — Suzanne takes extreme pre-emptive action.

She pops a sleeping pill and goes to bed as early as 7pm. Not only does this keep her away from the kitchen, she reasons, but it also ensures she has a good night’s sleep.

Suzanne, a make-up artist in her early 50s, resorts to such drastic measures at least once or twice a week.

‘I don’t have to do it more than that because the drugs last for a few days,’ says Suzanne, who favours an over-the-counter sleeping tablet such as Nytol or Stugeron, a drug normally taken for travel sickness, to repress her evening appetite. ‘And though it takes me longer to get going in the morning — maybe half an hour until I feel really clear-headed — I sleep like a log,’ she adds.

‘Which means there’s no chance of giving in to food cravings such as nuts and crisps, which are my particular downfall in the evening.’

Although Suzanne — a small-boned 5ft 2in and size 8-10 — may seem to have a misguided attitude towards her figure, the past few months have been an emotional rollercoas­ter for the mother of three, and in the process, she says, her weight has crept up.

Not only did she lose her beloved mother to a hard-fought illness six months ago, but her husband, from whom she was separated but never divorced, also passed away after a battle with cancer. And a recent knee injury has prevented Suzanne from following her regular exercise routine, meaning any weight gain has immediatel­y shown on her slight frame.

‘The past few months have been so hard. Not just for me but for my dad and my children,’ she says.

‘I spent a lot of time with Mum when she was ill, drinking tea and eating endless biscuits. Dieting seems so irrelevant at difficult times.’

She adds: ‘On the other hand, as soon as I started putting on the pounds — I gained half-a-stone in all — I could see it on my hips and tummy. It was such an unhappy time, and putting on weight just made me feel worse.

‘At my life stage I really understand the need to look good.

‘I’ve tried all sorts of diets, such as Weight Watchers and the 5:2 diet, with some working better than others.

‘But when you’re emotionall­y all over the place, it’s so hard not to give in to the comfort of food.’

Like many women whose children have left home, Suzanne also found it difficult to come to terms with an empty nest.

‘There can be loneliness in coming home, even after a very busy day,’ she says.

‘Then it just occurred to me, if I had an early night — and took something to help make that happen — I could get the rest I needed and keep out of temptation’s way.’

It may seem the start of a slippery slope.

After all, regardless of the unknown health risks in taking sedatives for a prolonged period, drugging oneself to sleep in a bid to beat the biscuit barrel doesn’t say much for one’s willpower.

But science offers cautious support to Suzanne’s reasoning.

A US study by the University of Colorado Boulder has found that the less we sleep, the more likely we are to put on weight since when we are overtired, we get more pleasure from indulging in food.

However, chemically induced sleep can present problems, including rebound insomnia — severe sleeplessn­ess after a sedative is withdrawn.

Most over-the-counter sleeping tablets are usually a type of antihistam­ine medicine — usually used to fight allergic reactions or hay fever.

They work by blocking nerve synapses in the brain for a few hours so we relax and sleep.

Herbal sleeping tablets, in contrast, contain ingredient­s such as hops and valerian, which have a natural sedative effect.

Suzanne is by no means alone in deploying such punishing tactics. Increasing numbers of women, it seems, are turning to sleep-inducing over-the-counter medicines in a bid to control their weight.

Sunita Andrea, 33, began resorting to sleeping pills as a dietary tactic after she realised how much of her evening would involve eating food.

Sunita, a client support worker for a financial services company, and

her husband Daniel, who works in hospitalit­y management, have demanding schedules. They’re also parents to 11-month old Harris, so relaxing on the sofa after putting their son to bed and having dinner is a way for them to spend time together. And indulge in calorific snacking. We have dinner around 7.30pm — something home-cooked and healthy — after which we tidy up and then love to just sit on the sofa and unwind,’ says Sunita.

‘But more often I’d find that by around 9pm the kettle would go on and out would come the biscuits and cakes.

‘Even worse is the fact that we live close to a late-night supermarke­t. So there have been times when one of us has popped out for ice cream or chocolate. It slowly dawned on me several months ago that the only way to avoid all this excessive eating was to go to bed earlier, and in order to make sure I get to sleep, I take an over-the-counter pill — either Nytol or something herbal containing valerian.

‘Daniel doesn’t say much about it — I still have that hour-and-a-half with him downstairs.

‘I just make sure that when I start getting those evening cravings around 9pm, I head upstairs and take a pill.

‘I’m 5 ft 6 in and weigh about 9st — about half a stone more than I’d like to be. I’m trying to be good — but the only way I can really do that is by putting temptation out of my way.’

So is this an effective approach to dieting — or is it merely showing an alarming absence of willpower?

Part of the problem is that much remains unknown about the safety and effectiven­ess of long-term use of over-the-counter sleep aids, explains Professor Munir Pirmohamed, Professor of Pharmacolo­gy at the University of Liverpool.

‘In the short term, they are safe but we don’t know what the longterm effects might be,’ he says.

‘And this is also true of herbal sleeping tablets. Herbal medicines are still a form of chemical, albeit a naturally occurring one.

‘These products were not designed to be used continuall­y and so it’s unclear what the side-effects could be,’ he warns.

What’s more, tolerance to the sedative effects of antihistam­ines can develop quickly — so the longer you take them, the less likely they are to make you sleepy.

For Denise Crammer, taking sleeping pills has been part of her routine for the past three years.

A move, she says, inspired by a friend who told her she went to bed early to avoid eating a lot of junk food.

‘I’m a terrible sleeper, so just going to bed early wouldn’t work for me,’ explains Denise, 60, who is divorced with two children and two grandchild­ren.

‘But then I started thinking about taking something to help me sleep as a way of stopping me hitting the crisps and chocolate in the evening. Now I do it a couple of times a week.

‘I’ve tried lots of different things — but what I find works best is a drug called Unisom, which I came across when I was on holiday in America.

‘I take the tablet, get into bed with a good book and drift away.’

Denise, who hovers between a size 10 and 12, admits that she can feel a little groggy in the mornings after taking the tablets.

However, she feels that the effect is worth it.

‘Recently I went on a Caribbean cruise with my partner, Marshall. We had the most wonderful time. But there was so much food on tap,’ says Denise.

‘What’s more, though I’m not a drinker, I found myself having delicious, calorie-packed cocktails. I came back half-a-stone heavier.

‘I can be good and eat sensibly during the day. But I know that when I relax in the evening, that’s my weak spot. So the sleeping pills are vital if I’m going to get this weight off.’

While Marshall rolls his eyes at Denise, she tries not to worry about the pills having any side-effects.

‘I did discuss what I was doing with my daughter, who is a doctor in Australia.

‘She didn’t think it was a great idea, but told me that so long as I don’t take the pills every night I should be OK.

‘Anyway, far better to be slim than put weight on at my age and start risking heart trouble and diabetes.’

However, Helen Bond of the British Dietetic Associatio­n warns that taking sleeping pills is never really going to be a sustainabl­e way to achieve weight loss.

‘There’s no doubt that so-called “mindless eating” — when we eat while distracted, say watching the television — can pile on the calories,’ she says.

‘That’s why it’s important to change your mind-set.’

Helen continues: ‘If you have to have something in your hand, try a hot milky drink — using skimmed milk.

‘This will also help you sleep since milk contains tryptophan, a naturally occurring sleep chemical.

‘If you have to have biscuits or crisps, just put a few on a plate rather than bringing the whole bag or packet in from the kitchen when you sit on the sofa.

‘That way you limit the amount rather than mindlessly making your way through the entire pack.

‘Even switch off the television if you want to eat. The trick is to be aware of what is in front of you.’

Sensible advice indeed. But for those who are taking such extreme measures as using sleeping pills to avoid the temptation of evening over-eating, these words are hard to swallow.

‘I wish I had more willpower,’ admits Suzanne. ‘But as soon as I get a taste of crisps, biscuits or nuts, I have to have more. I just can’t stop myself.

‘Going to bed with the promise of a good night’s sleep is really the only way that I can do it.’

‘We don’t know what the longterm effects are’ ‘When I get those evening cravings I take a pill’

 ??  ?? Hunger pangs (l-r): Suzanne Showm
Hunger pangs (l-r): Suzanne Showm
 ??  ?? man, Denise Crammer and Sunita Andrea regularly turn to over-the-counter remedies
man, Denise Crammer and Sunita Andrea regularly turn to over-the-counter remedies

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