Irish Daily Mail



No 15,518 ACROSS 1 Powerless to confine a vacuum that’s obligatory (11) 9 Old compiler’s last to be given first Badminton award (7) 10 Mount that’s regularly attached to phone (7) 11 Female showing quiet energy (3) 12 Whitewash distressed counter (7) 13 Thespian is trying to entertain someone with a grand? (7) 14 Whip adult in court (3) 15 Excellent blend of oil and mayonnaise (5) 17 Different men inspire article (5) 18 Mark draws houses for newspaper (5) 20 PM’s retired for forty winks (5) 22 Imitate primate (3) 24 Making errors, opener finishes period at Lord’s (7) 25 Bishop impressed by vigour in ‘An Ideal Husband’ (2, 5) 26 Habitat of marine mammal with no tail (3) 27 Wise men back in Rio juggled paperwork (7) 28 In 24, deliver balls thus across a vacated room (7) 29 Cost expert due in, following refurbishm­ent (11) DOWN 1 Flabby and unfit, not playing cricket? (15) 2 Girl on Sicilian mountain rotates aerial (7) 3 Regularly gobbles suet, carrying a lot of fat (5) 4 Tricky device designed to control awkward pet (9) 5 Well done accepting promotion! That shows machismo (7) 6 Using hall abroad, hire outside means of communicat­ion (7, 8) 7 You finally quit theatrical circuit to be a reviewer (6) 8 Kitchen utensil’s bigger, according to reports (6) 16 Old boy’s noises ruined passion (9) 18 Support excursion to outskirts of Ostend (6) 19 Instrument panel disrupted internet and this UV source (7) 21 Social climber organises rave-up about November (7) 23 Note disturbed doctor in Bury (6) 25 Antipodean people wander around island (5)

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