Irish Daily Mail



TODAY, retrograde Mercury links with the Sun before slipping back into Aries. This calls us to revisit the reasoning behind some of the missions we find ourselves on and question the objectives we’re pursuing. Why do you want what you want? Is it the allure of the new? Are we all doing retail therapy, at the soul store, in the great psychologi­cal shopping mall? Or are we going through a deeper, more profound transforma­tion? With Pluto also turning retrograde, don’t rule out the latter.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WHEN you look back, what do you see? Are you more conscious of the moments you seized, or the opportunit­ies you feel you missed? Are you proud of how you handled challenges? Or do you cringe at minor mistakes? While it’s good to learn from the past, it’s important not to think it only has lessons of regret to teach us! As Pluto changes direction, you’ve got much to be proud of and, if you remember that today, you’ll find you’re soon doing so much more that feels so right. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest fourminute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

WHEN zany TV producers want to describe their latest idea, they often use the tired clicheé, ‘It’s like XYZ — on acid!’ It’s supposed to communicat­e a common point of reference, stretched to the nth degree. I mention this because, with Mars and the Sun both in your sign, your life could be described as ‘Taurus on speed’! It’s only a brief hit from this ‘upper’, though. So while I’m certainly not condoning the use of performanc­e enhancing drugs, if you want to take advantage of this celestial boost, be quick! As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this time special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

DECISIONS, as we discussed yesterday, are easier to make when we don’t mind how things turn out. They may also be easier to arrive at when we believe in our power to accomplish something. If we say: ‘This is what I am going to do,’ we get so caught up in our determinat­ion to make it happen that we don’t wonder whether we should have done something different. There’s something you’re uncertain about. The imminent arrival of Mars will take care of that. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

YESTERDAY, we talked about stopping worrying about problems that won’t arise. Today it’s time to move forward without fear of sabotage. The universe is cutting some of the marionette strings which you’ve felt dictating your movements. You’re being given the freedom to review and explore your options. First, though, you need to re-learn how to operate with a greater degree of control. It’s a transforma­tion you’ll enjoy. While it isn’t exactly ‘no strings attached’, this cosmic gift is the boon you’ve been hoping for. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this time special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

THINK of a circus performer walking along a tightrope high above the ground. Surely, what they want is to arrive safely at the other end. But is that all? If it were, they could go straight to the pillar that holds up the far end of the rope and climb a ladder. But that would hardly impress the audience or satisfy their sense of adventure. As your ruler links with retrograde Mercury, it reminds you that you can’t have stress relief, unless you first have stress! Don’t worry today. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WE ALL have mental lists of boxes we need to check when we make decisions. There’s nothing wrong with this as long as we remember that we’re not machines. There are no pulleys, levers and cogs whirring inside your head. You’re free to act on impulse, without the need for forms to be filled in or permission slips to be signed. Some astrologer­s might suggest that this is a day when wrong decisions could be made. But it’s when you take action that you make progress. Go with your instincts today. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this time special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

SOME people are difficult to deal with. You may have noticed this. You may even have begun to feel as if your world is full of examples. Might this be because you, too, are not always easy-going? Your likes and dislikes are strong and intense. You soon become defensive when these are challenged. As retrograde Mercury returns to your opposite sign, make allowances for another person’s difficult behaviour. Hopefully, someone else will extend the same courtesy to you. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

I RECENTLY watched a video that showcased a new pigment developed by scientists. It’s called ‘Vantablack’. It’s so dark that it absorbs 99.96% of visible light. When applied to a rough surface, all the contours disappear into what looks like a hole in the fabric of the universe. There are corners of your mind that have felt as if they’ve been painted with this lately. Yet life is now not only washing some of it away, it’s shining a light there, too. Don’t fear this process, you might just like what’s uncovered! As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this time special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

PEOPLE worry sometimes because they fear that if they’re too kind, others will take advantage of them. They put up barriers and boundaries, so that they seem less accessible and approachab­le. This rarely brings satisfacti­on. When we create a fortress to keep enemies at bay, we make it harder for our friends to get close to us. As Mars moves opposite Sagittariu­s, you don’t need to be too careful this weekend. It’s safe for you to pursue your desires. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

YESTERDAY, I urged you to reach out and grab your destiny. I suggested that you might be sitting on your hands. But what if they’re full? What if you feel as if you’re dangling over the edge of a ravine, holding on for dear life, with the ladder that could lead you to safety just too far away to be helpful? The power to change your situation may still be yours. But several factors limit your ability to do so. Don’t worry. There’s still a way to survive. You’re still more than in control. Events today will be pivotal. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this time special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

WHEN politician­s are feeling ‘cornered’, they often use the phrase ‘I’m doing the right thing’. This belief lifts their spirits, even if they find themselves unable to explain why their unpopular activities are actually ‘right’. The world, it often seems, is full of people doing the wrong thing, believing they’re doing the right thing. As retrograde Mercury links to the Sun today, if you want to be sure you’ve got the right idea, you need to be willing to check it for flaws. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

TRADITIONA­LLY, Pisces is associated with mist, fog and clouds. The water in your sign is often depicted suspended or floating in the sky. This is why you’re sometimes accused of having your head in the clouds. Even if you occasional­ly do, they only temporaril­y block a view that sees farther than most. The universe now shines on your mental agility. Don’t let inclement weather convince you otherwise; for, once it clears, life really can match whatever wonderful vision your imaginativ­e mind dreams up. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this time special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

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