Irish Daily Mail

Acid attack suspect ‘has fled UK and could be in Ireland’

- By Eleanor Hayward and Emily Kent Smith

A MAN being hunted over an acid attack that injured 20 people in a London night club is believed to have fled the UK and may be in Ireland.

Arthur Collins, 25, the boyfriend of former reality TV star Ferne McCann, is thought to be in Spain or Ireland. Collins is being sought by detectives after acid was sprayed at the Mangle club in London early on Easter Monday.

Twelve people needed hospital treatment and two – a man and a 22-year-old woman – have been left blind in one eye.

Ms McCann, 26, a showbusine­ss reporter on ITV’s This Morning, has appealed for Collins to hand himself in but police told victims they have received a tip-off that he has fled the country.

Yesterday a 21-year-old woman who suffered permanent scarring in the attack told how she suffered third-degree burns to her face and shoulder when the acid was sprayed following a fracas on the dance floor. Sophie Hall, who went to the nightclub to celebrate her best friend’s 22nd birthday, said: ‘It was about one o’clock and we were about to leave the club. I heard a hissing noise and smoke started to fill the room.

‘After the smoke went off the liquid hit us. There was a sense of complete panic, people were screaming. The pain is indescriba­ble. It feels like your skin is eating itself. Police told us it was drain fluid.’

Ms Hall was taken to a specialist burns hospital with a friend, who suffered burns to her foot, neck and stomach.

They shared a ward with other victims, including two men aged 24 and 29 who remain in hospital. One has been told he will be blind in one eye. ‘I have been told my shoulder will be permanentl­y scarred but my face should be OK eventually,’ Ms Hall said.

‘The people responsibl­e should never be let out of prison.’

Scotland Yard said yesterday officers in north London had arrested two of the three men wanted over the attack. They were aged 21 and 24 and held on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm. Both remained in custody last night.

A police spokesman said: ‘The net is closing in on those we believe to be responsibl­e for this attack.’

 ??  ?? Sophie Hall: Burns to her face and shoulder
Sophie Hall: Burns to her face and shoulder

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