Irish Daily Mail

The men left in agony by a condition that most think only women suffer

Matt’s swollen limb syndrome was triggered by his new golf shoes


WHEN told the bright red rash on his leg might be sepsis or even a flesheatin­g bug, Matt Hazledine was shocked.

Within a matter of hours, a small spot, the size of a 5 cent piece, had turned into an angry red rash that covered his entire left calf and thigh. As Matt, 46, recalls: ‘I began to panic that I might lose my leg.

‘My skin soon looked like a very severe case of sunburn and it felt excruciati­ngly painful, like someone pouring acid down my leg.’

His symptoms had come on quickly — within an hour of returning from a shopping trip he was shaking and convulsing, with a temperatur­e over 40c.

‘It was incredibly scary,’ says Matt, a director in a firm of financial advisers who lives with his wife, Vicky, 46, an estate agent, and their eight-year-old daughter.

However, after two days on antibiotic­s, and a morphine drip for the pain, Matt was told he had neither sepsis nor a flesheatin­g bug: he had cellulitis, an infection of the deep layers of the skin and tissue.

Usually triggered by a bacterial infection, in Matt’s case it was thought this was caused after he developed blisters from wearing new golf shoes.

Cellulitis can develop suddenly, causing red, swollen, painful areas. If it spreads deeper into the body, it can cause fever nausea, dizziness and confusion.

The good news is that it’s treatable with antibiotic­s; the bad news is that it can lead to another complicati­on, as Matt discovered.

For as he prepared to leave hospital two weeks after being admitted, his left leg started to swell.

‘It was about 50% bigger than my other leg,’ Matt says.

He had developed another condition — lymphoedem­a. ‘Oedema’ refers to a build-up of fluid which causes swelling in the affected area. Lymphoedem­a occurs when the lymphatic system, which drains waste from tissues, becomes damaged.

AS A result, lymph fluid — which contains immune cells and helps carry away waste — can’t drain as normal, causing swelling and ultimately thickened skin.

The swelling typically affects the legs and arms, although it can strike other areas, including the genitals, breasts and abdomen.

The swelling can be so severe and painful that it can make the affected limb hard to use.

Lymphoedem­a is usually thought of as a side-effect of breast cancer treatment, when lymph nodes — small glands that filter lymph fluid — are removed.

Yet this accounts for only an eighth of the estimated 15,000 or more people living with lymphoedem­a in Ireland.

Although lymphoedem­a is twice as common in women, men can develop it, too.

The condition is linked to being overweight and your age. But the main causses are contractin­g an infection that then damages the lymph system, or a genetic fault with the lymph system, which is how babies or children can develop it.

Not only can cellulitis trigger lymphoedem­a, but vice versa. Having lymphoedem­a can increase the risk of future bouts of cellulitis as lymphoedem­a impairs the immune function of the lymph system so it can’t fight off infection effectivel­y.

Stuart Hassel, 47, who developed lymphoedem­a after treatment for leg cancer, has had 25 attacks of cellulitis in 13 years.

‘I’ve had nine attacks in the past six months and been hospitalis­ed three times — I’m on very strong intravenou­s antibiotic­s I can administer at home,’ says Stuart, a pharmaceut­ical company executive, who lives with his wife, Andrea, 43, and their two children, Thomas, 16 and Ella, 14.

Stuart is fortunate that his lymphoedem­a has been diagnosed. Professor Peter Mortimer, a consultant dermatolog­ist, says often the condition is not diagnosed, leading to a hidden epidemic of the illness.

‘It is one of the least-recognised illnesses — among both doctors and patients. It’s possibly the most neglected area in medicine,’ he says. ‘It doesn’t kill you, but some of the infections it can cause, such as cellulitis and sepsis, certainly can. It’s far from being just a cosmetic problem.’

Yet it sometimes gets mistaken by GPs as a build-up of fluid not connected to the lymph system, and they prescribe water tablets. ‘These don’t improve lymphoedem­a, they just make you pass more urine,’ says Professor Mortimer.

‘There can be lots of causes of oedema, including heart failure, but any oedema lasting more than three months means the lymph system isn’t working properly and it could be lymphoedem­a.’

Lymphoedem­a can be diagnosed with a lymphoscin­tigram where a radioactiv­e dye is injected into the body and then tracked using a scanner to see how it moves through the lymphatic system.

Unfortunat­ely, there is no cure, but ‘there are lots of treatments that can improve the symptoms’, says Professor Mortimer, adding that the earlier lymphoedem­a is treated, the better, as it gets progressiv­ely worse.

‘We need more recognitio­n of the serious complicati­ons lymphoedem­a can cause, such as repeated attacks of cellulitis,’ adds Professor Mortimer, co-author of a new book, Let’s Talk Lymphoedem­a, a practical guide to treating the condition.

He wrote it with Gemma Levine, a photograph­er who could no longer use heavy cameras because of lymphoedem­a caused by breast cancer treatment.

‘Unfortunat­ely, a lot of patients are just told lymphoedem­a won’t kill them and they have to learn to live with it,’ says Professor Mortimer.

And there can be issues with getting the correct treatment as some GPs, lymphoedem­a is ‘wrongly seen as a cosmetic problem’, adds Karen Friett, chief executive of the Lymphoedem­a Support Network charity.

‘Where services are provided, they tend to be only for people who have had cancer treatment,’ she says.

Matt was given only a pair of compressio­n stockings when he left hospital with lymphoedem­a in June 2011.

‘The aftercare was nonexisten­t, even though my left leg was 55 per cent bigger that my right,’ he says. ‘I couldn’t get any trousers to fit me and I was very self-conscious.’

Matt paid privately for manual lymphatic drainage — a form of massage to encourage lymph drainage — and multi-layer bandaging, a technique that involves having layers of bandages applied tightly to the affected area; the pressure encourages the lymph fluid to flow and reduces the swelling.

‘They temporaril­y eased my symptoms, but my leg remained swollen. I began to feel pretty low and isolated as not many men seemed to have the condition,’ says Matt.

‘I resorted to having my trousers altered by a tailor, adding panels. I had to wear a surgical stocking all the time and I was so self-conscious I’d never wear shorts in public in hot weather.’

Exercise is normally recommende­d as the first line of treatment, as the lymph system needs movement for lymph fluid to flow.

Compressio­n bandaging techniques are used for severe cases, and compressio­n stockings or sleeves for milder ones.

Over the past six years Matt has tried almost every treatment.

‘As well as multi-layer bandaging I used a compressio­n leg pump — an inflatable sleeve on my leg, which had a cycle of inflating and deflating, squeezing fluid out of my leg,’ he says. ‘But it gave me only temporary relief.’

‘In 2014 I became the seventh person in Britain to have a lymph node transplant, where nodes were removed from my collar bone and transplant­ed to my groin area in the hope they would improve drainage in my leg.’

He had the operation at Broomfield Hospital in Essex as part of a trial.

‘This did improve my symptoms for a few months but it then stopped working,’ he says.

Matt also tried exercise — using a cross-trainer and doing leg-press exercises.

BUT by last summer, Matt’s symptoms were worsening and his heavy leg meant he found it difficult to walk.

‘It was so painful and I developed lower back problems — I felt like an 80-year-old.’

In January this year he resorted to having liposuctio­n to suck out fat cells from his leg.

Although it can’t cure the damaged lymph system, removing fat makes it easier to control the swelling with compressio­n bandages.

‘It’s early days but my leg is currently 10% smaller than it was,’ says Matt. ‘I’m feeling upbeat about it for the first time.

‘Just being able to walk without the weight of a heavy leg is fantastic. It looks like there is finally light at the end of the tunnel.’

Stuart Hassel is not suitable for a lymph node transfer as he has damaged lymph vessels rather than nodes.

He still has the option of surgery called lymphatico­venular anastomosi­s to connect small lymph vessels under the skin to small veins, allowing the lymph fluid to bypass blocked lymph vessels. It’s currently only available on a trial basis.

LET’S Talk Lymphoedem­a: The Essential Guide To Everything You Need To Know, by Professor Peter Mortimer and Gemma Levine (Elliott and Thompson). For advice contact lymphirela­

 ?? Picture: RHIAN AP GRUFFYDD ?? Still searching for a solution: Matt Hazledine
Picture: RHIAN AP GRUFFYDD Still searching for a solution: Matt Hazledine

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