Irish Daily Mail


TODAY, two planets change signs in the zodiac. They return to their respective homes. And both are lucky enough to have a second place to call home, too. Yet, a little like the politician­s running up to a general election, Venus and Mercury can claim that


ARIES MONEY can’t buy Mar 21 — Apr 20 happiness. Our lives are defined by how we choose to live them, and if we choose to be happy, we often will be. The strength of making this commitment triggers a shift in attitude. Perhaps that’s why some people who have so much scarcely notice their blessings, but why others who have so little give thanks. They know how to focus on the melody in a cacophony of sound. You have many reasons to be grateful. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear music rather than background noise. Let this week’s Full Moon guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21 B,B, C, D#, G! What are those letters? No, they’re not a strange Twitter handle! They’re notes in the opening guitar riff to Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On. Venus is entering your sign. That’s not the sort of guest you leave standing on the step wondering if they can come in for coffee. That’s dimming the lights, lighting the candles and dishing out the oysters. Of course, her presence doesn’t only imply romance. It may be that you simply love oysters. If so you’re in for a treat. Whatever, your pleasure, dig in! Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. GEMINI May 22 — June 22 NOWADAYS, we know that mental health is as important as physical wellbeing. The recognitio­n of trauma theory has given us new understand­ing, and the shell shock of World War I is today’s post-traumatic stress disorder. Knowledge of the psychologi­cal repercussi­ons of dramatic situations brings us closer to healing and avoiding them. As Mercury enters your sign, the healer within you is called upon. Work with kindness, and you can do much to overcome a problem. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your LATEST forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611. CANCER INTUITION is June 23 — July 23 tricky. A gut feeling you can’t ignore can be impossible to explain, especially when it compels you to act. Some situations support following your intuition, and reward an emotional approach to life. But traditiona­l environmen­ts discourage acting solely on your instinct. They expect you to justify your actions with logic, which they consider to be more reliable than your hunch. But Mercury’s in a different sector of the sky. It’s assisting you more through your intuition than through your

intellect. Let this week’s Full Moon guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. LEO NO ONE can be a master July 24 — Aug 23 of all trades. Sure, some people excel in multiple discipline­s, but, generally, people enjoy one or two talents. And, more often than not, there’s always someone who we think is better at them than us! The one area, where we are all unbeatable, is when we are being ourselves. Our individual­ity may sometimes feel like a burden, but our identity is the only thing that we’ll always be master of. Today, don’t lose time comparing yourself to others. Simply focus on the beauty of being you. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. VIRGO WHEN travelling Aug 24 — Sep 23 from A to B, it’s easy to overlook the importance of the journey. We measure success in terms of our arrival at B, without considerin­g the value of the steps we took along the way. And we disregard the times we made a mis-step, even though sometimes those mistakes may prove valuable, in ways we can’t foresee. A wrong turn might turn out to be a quicker route. A stumble could trigger a revelation. Your destinatio­n is made possible by continuous progress. You can take big steps today. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your LATEST forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611. LIBRA YESTERDAY, we Sep 24 — Oct 23 talked about embracing an opportunit­y, regardless of who delivers it. When you order a takeaway, do you turn the driver away if you don’t like how they look? Would you reject dinner because of the politics of the pizza delivery man? Probably not. You might though, turn down food from a waiter with a cold! Someone can provide you with what you need. And a relationsh­ip can deepen. Blind faith is never wise, but it’s fair to assume that their intentions are good. Let this week’s Full Moon guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. SCORPIO IN THE throes of Oct 24 — Nov 22 love, we often disregard things that deserve our attention. They say ignorance is bliss, but when we’re motivated by fear or pleasure, that’s not what we want to hear. We try to put troubling thoughts out of our mind. If you take a closer look, you’ll find that whatever’s unsettling you lingers somewhere in your imaginatio­n. Don’t let your subconscio­us work its powers of exaggerati­on. Focus on what you’ve been trying to ignore. Address the issue: you’ll find yourself lighter, and luckier, in love. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. SAGITTARIU­S ARE you Nov 23 — Dec 21 finding everyone rather tetchy? Whether it’s blowing up over a tiny mistake or throwing themselves into situations that can only end in chaos, it feels as if you’re living in the middle of a soap opera! And while we all love a soap at teatime, no one needs drama in everyday life. But, as the Sun continues on its journey towards the solstice, it brings an aura of calm and stability. People around you will be easier to deal with, and (unlike the soaps) there’s happiness on the horizon. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your LATEST forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611. CAPRICORN STOP Dec 22 — Jan 20 worrying! With Jupiter’s link to your ruler yesterday, the rest of your week will continue to resonate with positivity. This mood is enhanced by Venus changing signs today. It suggests an exciting time for you. Venus will open your heart to new people and new experience­s. Your openness and increased capacity for love will draw people towards you and inspire them. And that’s a blessing. In return, this positivity will pay dividends, and you’ll see a boost in your own success. Things are looking up! Let this week’s Full Moon guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. AQUARIUS KARMA’S a Jan 21 — Feb 19 wonderful thing. Although it’s more complicate­d than ‘you reap what you sow’, it’s reassuring to know that you get back what you put into the world: that kindness breeds kindness. Whether it’s a supernatur­al phenomenon, or simply people responding to positivity, is almost irrelevant. The results are incontrove­rtible. Today, the cosmos invites you to think back over an issue you haven’t quite been able to shake off. You have the power to make a change for the better. Let the light of this week’s Full Moon show you the way to a happier life. Call your LATEST forecast: 1550 511 611. PISCES ‘WELL done is Feb 20 — Mar 20 better than well said.’ So wise people tell us, which is ironic. Aren’t sage adages exactly what they’re advising against? Perhaps these people aren’t so wise after all! Parroting learned words isn’t wisdom. But it doesn’t stop some people from squawking self-righteousl­y. Independen­ce of thought is more important than bending to the voice of the many. Have the confidence to believe in yourself – you know what’s right. If something’s not quite working, don’t worry! You can easily rectify it. This week’s Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your LATEST forecast is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

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