Irish Daily Mail



NOT long ago I answered a question from Adam about rising signs (the sign on the eastern horizon at your birth). But I didn’t address his other query: ‘I’ve read that the balance between the influence of your rising sign versus your sun-sign becomes more noticeable with age. Is this correct?’ Hi again, Adam, I don’t think the power of our rising signs increases with age, but our awareness of them does. And with this comes the wisdom to take full advantage of the strengths they represent. Oscar

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

‘EVERYONE is fighting a battle you know nothing about.’ I try to keep that phrase in mind, if someone cuts me up in traffic or nips ahead of me in a queue. Most of us are haunted by private traumas, driven by past failures or preoccupie­d with difficulti­es. But although we need to make allowances for other people, that doesn’t absolve us from facing up to our own dramas. You have the power to do something about your troubles. The time for worrying is over and the moment for action is here. Worried? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

THEY say: ‘A watched pot never boils.’ No matter how hard you focus, you can’t speed the process up. We just don’t have that power. But that still doesn’t stop us trying. We’ve all run for the bus while silently begging time to go just a little bit slower, too. The irony is that we all have the power to catch the bus if we had left a tiny bit earlier or been more prepared the night before or if we hadn’t left our mobile on the sofa. Be sure to use time to your advantage today. There’s a lot you can achieve. Confused? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 0 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

SOME people are inherently truthful, even at times to their detriment. They believe it’s better to be honest, whatever the consequenc­es. That’s admirable. The rest of us, though, are more sceptical. We’ve learned that telling the truth sometimes causes more problems than it solves. Keeping things bottled up, on the other hand, can be dangerous. Life seems to be a heady mixture of truth and fable. If you’re adamant that the truth is what you want today, make sure you’re ready for it. Uncertain? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WE ALL have a safe space, deep within, where we seek refuge in tough times. This might be a cherished memory, a dream, an emotion, a faith; it doesn’t matter – it’s what it means to you that makes it special. But you’ve been struggling to find that inner sanctuary recently. Like a balloon with a hole in it, your place of refuge seems to have lost its structure. Now is the time to repair it. The planets are combining to provide the tools you need to repair the puncture. The patch is easy to apply. Anxious? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WE KNOW when we’re sad because we know what it is to be happy. We know when we’re stressed because we know how it feels to be relaxed. Life can be understood through a series of opposites. The same is true of triumph and failure: success is only sweet because we have tasted disappoint­ment. With this in mind, let’s look at where you’re standing. You’re on a threshold. You’ve been looking at a gloomy scenario for too long. It’s time to make a move towards something bright. Worried? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WE’VE been told so many times not to count our chickens before they’re hatched that we often go through life hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. This way, the worst can’t hurt and success is sweeter for being unexpected. But it’s an attitude driven by fear and self-doubt. When does it stop being a coping mechanism and become a disabling lack of self-confidence? It’s time to stand back and see if this philosophy is providing you with a safety blanket or if it’s holding you back. Confused? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

HOW often have you heard ‘there’s no smoke without fire’? But there are many instances of fires burning with no smoke — just think of potassium or sodium in your school science experiment­s. These phrases, which rattle around our head, influence our lives, even though they aren’t always true. We jump to conclusion­s within predetermi­ned boundaries. And thus we limit our potential. Look carefully at what you seem to be seeing right now. It might be indicating something unexpected. Uncertain? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

THEY say that travel broadens the mind. But it also awakens the heart. You don’t have to jump on a plane and travel to distant lands, though. It’s an attitude of mind that means looking at the world afresh. If you learn to rely on the kindness of strangers and communicat­e in ways that transcend language, it helps you begin to understand how different, yet wonderfull­y similar we are. As Mercury links with your ruler today, it encourages you to move beyond your borders. Anxious? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

PEOPLE talk about the importance of facing facts, but what do they mean? It’s often uttered in response to optimism just as much as it is to people who bury their heads in the sand. So is optimism just another word for denial?

Certainly not! How can anyone with sand in their eyes make any decision, let alone a good one? Brightness and hope are attributes we could all do with more of if we want to create clear paths into the future. Your challenge now is to find a balance between the extremes. Worried? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

DO YOU remember The Generation Game on TV? Families in their living rooms would watch families on telly being given ludicrous tasks. One of the most popular was the plate-spinning challenge. Keeping one or two plates revolving wasn’t a problem, but, as the numbers increased, the contestant­s ended up surrounded by crockery carnage! I suspect you know the feeling. You can’t keep everything in the air forever. Enjoy yourself, but scale things back before they spin out of control. Confused? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

YOU see things differentl­y to most people. Inevitably this means that the causes you champion confuse and confound others. But it doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Today it’s time to be canny, a moment to back off rather than pick a quarrel. If you wait, coming events will prove that your commitment to a point of principle is wise. Not only will you conserve energy for the next round of negotiatio­n, but you’ll convert your detractors into fervent supporters. Uncertain? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WHAT does it mean to be happy? Is it just the avoidance of unhappines­s? Is it simply feeling that you’re less unhappy this week than you were the last? And if it does, is that enough? It seems that we only understand life through a series of comparison­s. If you’re going through a rough patch and something positive happens, then that’s got to feel good. The coming weekend’s outlook brings a marked improvemen­t to an existing situation — it might not be earth-shattering, but you’ll notice the difference. Anxious? There’s a very special message waiting for you. In four minutes, get the key to your future. Call 1550 511 611.

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