Irish Daily Mail


Skincare guru Maria Hatzistefa­nis


MARIA Hatzistefa­nis, 47, is founder and CEO of luxury beauty brand Rodial, which she launched from home in 1999. The company is now worth $100 million. Maria lives in London with her husband Stratis, and two sons Aris, 14 and Aki 12. MY LIGHT BULB moment actually has its roots in failure — it only happened because I was sacked from my banking job in the City.

Luckily, it shook me up and I thought: ‘So now what?’

Before I went in to banking I worked as a beauty writer, I was fascinated by the industry and I dreamed of owning my own brand.

Now I didn’t have a job, I began to focus on my dream and, one day, I realised there was a gap in the market. Everything was about skin type as opposed to skin issues. So it was cleanse, tone, moisturise for dry, oily or combinatio­n skin. That was it. I wanted to target specific problems that women were trying to fix with cosmetic surgery — such as sagging neck skin or a drooping bust.

I also realised that having a great product was not enough. I launched an anti-ageing serum in white packaging and nobody cared. But when I renamed it Snake Serum, people started noticing it.

I made tons of mistakes in the early years. Once I couldn’t afford a design team to do a brochure so I made one at Vistaprint. It was only when I got them onto the shop floor that a customer pointed out a spelling error. I was mortified!

I didn’t really feel I’d ‘arrived’ until two years ago when I walked into Harvey Nichols and saw Rodial next to Tom Ford and Chanel. At that point, you know you must have done something right.

People ask how I maintain a work/ life balance. The honest answer is I’m either working or with my family. I have sacrificed friendship­s and socialisin­g to follow my dream. Do I think it’s been worth it? I do!

HOW To Be An Overnight Success by Maria Hatzistefa­nis (Virgin Books).

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